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By Isaac and Christy.  GMOs are regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the APHIS (Animal Plant Health Inspection Service), and the EPA.

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Presentation on theme: "By Isaac and Christy.  GMOs are regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the APHIS (Animal Plant Health Inspection Service), and the EPA."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Isaac and Christy

2  GMOs are regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the APHIS (Animal Plant Health Inspection Service), and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).  The EPA has authority over any GMO that has been engineered to include a resistance to pesticides.  While developers routinely consult with the FDA, it is not required and is completely voluntary.

3  The products of Biotechnology are regulated under the same laws that govern the health, safety and environmental impacts of products derived by more traditional methods.  At least ten different laws and a ton of agency regulations and guidelines cover products such as food, animal feed, human and animal drugs, pesticides, plants, pests, and toxic substances.  An example of these laws is the “The Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act” which is regulated by the FDA and the EPA.

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