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Ms. Campbell’s Classroom Rules Business Management Computer Survival Skills Math Study Skills 2003/2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Campbell’s Classroom Rules Business Management Computer Survival Skills Math Study Skills 2003/2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Campbell’s Classroom Rules Business Management Computer Survival Skills Math Study Skills 2003/2004

2 Be Prompt It is imperative that you arrive to class on-time. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be considered tardy. Tardy students will receive, at a minimum, teacher detention.

3 Be Prepared You must bring the following to class every day: Homework! Planner Textbook Workbook Notebook Pen/Pencil Calculator (Math Study Skills only)

4 Be Productive Our class does not have time to waste. Class time should be spent in meaningful learning activities, including class discussions. Use class time wisely. Lav passes will only be issued in the first and last five minutes of class.

5 Be Polite Be polite and respectful of others. Raise your hand and listen while others are talking. Leave your seat with permission only. Class disruptions will result in detention and/or a call home will be made.

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