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M&S Systems Review. Voluntary Muscles – Under conscious control of the nervous system – Examples: arm and leg muscles Involuntary muscles – Not under.

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Presentation on theme: "M&S Systems Review. Voluntary Muscles – Under conscious control of the nervous system – Examples: arm and leg muscles Involuntary muscles – Not under."— Presentation transcript:

1 M&S Systems Review

2 Voluntary Muscles – Under conscious control of the nervous system – Examples: arm and leg muscles Involuntary muscles – Not under conscious control – Examples: Esophagus and intestines

3 Muscle Contraction Actin and Myosin – Protein filaments that make up muscle fibers – Slide together to shorten the muscle fiber and cause muscle contraction

4 Muscle Strength Dependant on thickness of fibers, not number of fibers – Exercise increases the thickness of muscle fibers and increases strength

5 Steroids Chemicals designed to enhance athletic performance by increasing muscle mass Negative effects for women – Growth of facial hair, deep voice, menstrual cycle stops, stunted growth, extreme irritability, impaired judgment

6 Functions Supports the Body Protects Organs Assists Movement (allows for muscle attachment) Stores Minerals Makes Blood Cells


8 Bone Structure

9 Microscopic Bone Structure Osteocytes – Bone cells Haversian Canals – allow nerves and blood vessels to run through the bone

10 Joints Places where one or more bones meet Types of joints – Fixed – Gliding – Hinge – Ball and socket – Pivot – Saddle

11 Tendons versus Ligaments Bone to bone? – Ligament Muscle to bone? – Tendon


13 Food Pyramid Recommended different types of foods for a balanced diet with proper nutrition – Grains – Vegetables – Fruit – Milk – Meat and Beans – Oils The number of servings each person requires will vary

14 “Good Choice” Foods Leafy green vegetables (high in minerals and vitamins) Lean Proteins Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, fiber)

15 Nutritional Requirements For Women High calcium intake to prevent osteoporosis Regulate protein intake (too much protein puts you at risk for osteoporosis) Intake enough iron to prevent anemia Eat a low fat diet to prevent heart disease Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption

16 Exercise Benefits: – Reduce stress – Burns calories – Health benefits Lower blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight, burn fat

17 Types of Exercise Aerobic – Requires oxygen – Strengthens cardiovascular system – Can be performed for extended time periods. – Tends to use more slow twitch muscles – Examples = running, biking or swimming for an extended time period Anaerobic – Without oxygen – High intensity exercise performed for short periods – Tends to use more fast twitch muscles – Examples = weight training, sprinting

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