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Classroom Expectations Welcome to First Grade!!! Mrs. Hill Room 110.

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2 Classroom Expectations Welcome to First Grade!!! Mrs. Hill Room 110

3 How to Enter the Classroom 1.Enter the room quietly. 2.Go straight to your seat and sit down. 3.Get all material you will need for the day. 4.Begin your morning assignment. 5.Wait until your group/row is called to put your backpacks in your lockers. 6.Quietly return to your seat and continue with your morning assignment.

4 Dismissal from Classroom 1.Wait quietly until your group or row is called to get your belongings out of your locker. 2.Put all material you need in your backpack. 3.Clean your area: *Make sure books are stacked neatly *Make sure you dispose of all trash *Make sure seat sack materials are stacked is neatly 4. Wait until your group/row is called before you line up and get your dismissal card. 5. We will leave out quietly as a group. 6. Stay by me outside until it is time for you to leave. DO NOT leave until you have given me your dismissal card.

5 When a Visitor Enters the room: During independent time/Small group 1. Sit quietly and continue working.  Answer any questions the visitors may ask you. Use school talk, not slang. Remember if you forget the objective you can always refer to the board. During Whole Group time 2. If I have to step out of the room or if someone need to talk to me in the classroom you are to sit quietly. (This is NOT a time to play around and talk.) If the interruption takes too long I will give you an alternative assignment.

6 Announcements D: Drop E: Everything A: And L: Listen Participate during pledges then quietly take your seat.

7 Hallway Rules 1.Quietly enter the hallway in hallway position. (hands behind your back and a bubble in your mouth) 2.Stay in a straight line. 3.DO NOT touch or lean on the walls. 4.Eyes and feet forward at all times. 5.Save any questions or comments for when we enter the classroom. (Absolutely no talking or playing in the hallway)

8 Hallway Poem My hands are hanging behind my back. I’m standing straight and tall. My eyes are staring right ahead. I’m ready for the hall.

9 Assignment Rules 1.Listen to all directions. 2.Wait until all directions have been given before you begin. 3.Ask questions about anything you do not understand. 4.Begin the assignment only when you are certain about the requirements. 5.Make sure you understand the directions and that you have all materials to complete the assignment.

10 Restroom Rules 1.Pencils, pens, or crayons are not allowed in the restroom. 2.If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a dear and wipe it up. 3.Check the toilet and floor before you flush. 4.Get two pumps of soap and one paper towel. 5.QUICKLY wash and dry your hands.

11 Cues that I’m trying to get your ATTENTION 1.Ring a bell 2.Give me 5 3.Lights off 4.Telephone call 5.123 Eyes on Me 6.Hear me clap 7.Count from 5 to 1 8.Tootsie Roll

12 In Case of an Emergency There will be a red card with my name and room number on it. The teachers helper will quickly take the emergency card to the office. I will let you know when there is and emergency. If I’m the one in need of help. Ex: faint, can’t move, can’t talk Do Not Panic!

13 Time to work!!! Independent Work Time *Quietly work on assignment No movement Group Work Whisper when communicating Little movement within your area Small Group Center Read center rules

14 Small Group Instruction I expect for the groups to actively participate in small group activity. If you are not in the group do not interrupt unless it is a B Emergency. If you are Bleeding If you have to Barf If you can’t Breathe

15 Classroom Rules 1.Be prepared for instructions and on time daily. 2.Raise your hand and wait for permission before you speak or leave your seat. 3.Respect personal and public property. 4.No food, drinks, or gum in classroom. 5.Follow directions the first time given. 6.Keep hands, feet, comments, and rude gestures to yourself

16 Pencil Sharpening *Table captains will collect pencils for their group members. *Each student should bring 2 pencils to school everyday. *No one will be allowed to get out of their seat to sharpen pencils, unless you are the table captain. *If both of your pencils break; you will use the signal for I need a Pencil. I will then allow you to get one from the borrow bucket if their aren’t any extra ones on your table.

17 Heading your Paper In our class we will use a 3 Star Heading. This will consist of your name, class section, and date. Ex: Mrs. Hill1-B August 24, 20015

18 How to turn in work Option 1: Table captain will collect. Option 2: Turn in your assignment when your group is called. Option 3: Raise your hand to get immediate feedback and I will collect it. At that time you will be allowed to work on another activity or assignment.

19 Homework A homework newsletter will be given out every Monday with attached assignments. You have Monday-Thursday to complete the assignments. All homework will be turned in Friday morning. Late homework WILL NOT be accepted after Monday, and you will not receive a grade higher than a 70. Homework is important and an extension of what we learn each day.

20 How to use the Reading Center Each student will be assigned a clothespin with their number on it. When you find a book of your choice put your paper clip on that bin. When you finish reading your book return it back to the same bin with your clothespin. Our Reading Center books are organized in ABC order.

21 Friday Folders *A folder will be given every Friday. *It will include graded work, behavior charts, and any important information concerning school. *Parents are to view all the information. *Parents are to sign and return graded papers. *All folders will be turned in on Monday morning.

22 Tattling vs. Reporting

23 Last but not least Consequences If you choose not to follow the rules, expectations, or routines there will be the following consequences: *Warning *Behavior Log will be marked *Time off of recess *Phone call *Conference with teacher, counselor, parent, or principal

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