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GAPDHa Suppresses Heat Shock Induced DNA Fragmentation in Arabidopsis plant No treated 44  C 2h 44  C 2h+22  C 24h No treated BIP:GFP GAPa:GFP 44 

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Presentation on theme: "GAPDHa Suppresses Heat Shock Induced DNA Fragmentation in Arabidopsis plant No treated 44  C 2h 44  C 2h+22  C 24h No treated BIP:GFP GAPa:GFP 44 "— Presentation transcript:

1 GAPDHa Suppresses Heat Shock Induced DNA Fragmentation in Arabidopsis plant No treated 44  C 2h 44  C 2h+22  C 24h No treated BIP:GFP GAPa:GFP 44  C 2h + 22  C 24h AB

2 GAPDHa Suppresses Heat Shock Induced Cell Death in Arabidopsis Plant DAPI stained cell (%) BIP:GFP GAPa:GFP untreated treated

3 32 0 6496128160192224 64 - heat shock + heat shock Counts Heat Shock Induces ROS Accumulation in the Arabidopsis Plant Heat Shock Induces ROS Accumulation in the Arabidopsis Plant

4 GAPDHa Suppresses ROS Accumulation Induced by Heat Shock stress untreated treated BrightRh123 E

5 Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) - a hexameric protein composed of 17kDa monomer - catalyze the reversible transfer of the 5’-terminal phosphates from triphosphate nucleosides (or their deoxy derivatives) to nucleoside diphosphates to generate NTPs or dNTPs - in animals, NDPKs have important role in control of cell proliferation, regulation of transcription, and protein phosphotransferase activity - in plants, it is associated with phytochrome B response, UV-B signaling, heat stress and hormone related responses - very little is known about the nature of regulation of NDPK gene in eukaryotes.


7 YNK is induced by oxidative stress

8 DCFH-DA DCFH DCF fluorescence Measurement of Redox-State in the Cell Using Dichlorofluorescein Diacetate (DCFH-DA) Cell H2O2H2O2

9 % DCF stain F P L w.t. 7.0 3.589.9  ynk10.736.053.3 w.t.  ynk YNK Regulates ROS Generation

10 FL1, Rhodamin123 ; FL2, Propidium iodide YNK Regulates ROS Generation w. t.Bax  ynk1

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