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What are stars? What are stars? What are constellations? How far away are the stars? How long does a star shine, live its live for? Are there different.

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Presentation on theme: "What are stars? What are stars? What are constellations? How far away are the stars? How long does a star shine, live its live for? Are there different."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are stars? What are stars? What are constellations? How far away are the stars? How long does a star shine, live its live for? Are there different types of stars? Interesting Facts Stars and Constellati ons bibliography By Madison

3 Note: the suns diameter is 1.4 million km

4 What are Constellations Thousands of years ago our ancestors began to recognize a continual pattern in the stars every time the earth rotated to night. These patterns of stars are called constellations. Constellations are not real, they are imaginative ways our minds look at things e.g. the stars. Constellations are a mix between shapes of animals or creatures sometimes they are known to be a dot to dot game. The Earths imaginary line called the equator divides the planet into two halves, the Northern and Southern hemisphere. Depending on which side of the equator you live, you will see different constellations. Our entire sky today is divided into eighty eight constellations.

5 Stars are nearly the same as human being. They have young stars, middle aged stars and vary old stars, like humans they don’t live forever. Usually, the life span for humans is around 85 years old. Evidence tells us the life span for a star is in the billions. One of the most prominent stars is the sun, it is considered to be a light weight star, it is approximately 5 billion years old, and is expected to live for another 5 billion years until its fuel supplies completely run out, there for it will become a white dwarf star then to a cold dark object in space. For a star it starts the same way, but after the white dwarf has taken place, a chunk of black rock called a black dwarf, remains.

6 ColourTemperatureConstellation Blue-white star19982.2 +˚COrion White star11093.3˚ CLyra Yellow-white star6093.3˚ CAuriga Orange star4149˚ CBootes Red star3038˚ Cscorpius In our galaxies there are five main types of stars that we see at night, the red star, the yellow star, the white star, the blue star and the orange star.

7 As a bench mark the sun is 150 billion km away from Earth. The stars we see from Earth are millions of times further away than the sun. the light from the nearest star to Earth takes four years to reach us. The galaxy so called ‘ the milky way’ has at least 100 billion stars, and the stars furthest away in this galaxy would take 100,000 years for its light to reach us. The milky way is just one of 100 billion galaxies that make up the universe, therefore it takes over 1o billion years for light to reach us from these distant galaxies.

8 terestingacts argest star The largest star is called the Super Giant star, it is known as Mu Cephei. It is around 3,700 times bigger than the sun. ottest star the hottest star is called the White Dwarf. This tiny star has its outer layer reaches the temperature of 200,000 degrees Celsius, it is 30 times hotter than the sun. ost powerful star The Pistol Star is known to be one of the most powerful stars. Comparing it with the sun, the Pistol star shines 10 million times more power.

9 Kalman, B & Fast A 1999, Cosmic Light Shows, Crabtree Pty company, Canada Prinja, R, Dr 2002,The universe Stars and Constellations, 2 nd edition 2007, Heinemann Library Britain.

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