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Content Objective: I will be able to conjugate present tense -ar verbs. Language Objective: I will conjugate and apply –ar verbs in every day situations.

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Presentation on theme: "Content Objective: I will be able to conjugate present tense -ar verbs. Language Objective: I will conjugate and apply –ar verbs in every day situations."— Presentation transcript:


2 Content Objective: I will be able to conjugate present tense -ar verbs. Language Objective: I will conjugate and apply –ar verbs in every day situations.

3 Conjugating Verbs When you conjugate a verb in Spanish, It simply means to change a verb so that It agrees with the SUBJECT PRONOUN. When you conjugate a verb in Spanish, It simply means to change a verb so that It agrees with the SUBJECT PRONOUN.

4 INFINITIVE An INFINITIVE is the BASIC form of a verb that has not been CONJUGATED. All INFINITIVES end in -ar -er -ir An INFINITIVE is the BASIC form of a verb that has not been CONJUGATED. All INFINITIVES end in -ar -er -ir

5 yonosotros/ nosotras túvosotros(as) él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes Subject Pronouns 1 st person I 2 nd person YOU 3 rd person him, her, you, it 1 st person We 2 nd person you (pl.)formal 3 rd person they, f/m you all formal SINGULARPLURAL

6 hablarhabl Whats left is the stem.

7 Then you need to apply the appropriate ending. Then you need to apply the appropriate ending..

8 -o-amos-as-áis -a-an

9 yo hablnosotros habl tú hablvosotros habl él hablellos habl o as a amos áis an

10 I talk you talk he talks she talks I talk you talk he talks she talks we talk you all talk they talk we talk you all talk they talk return to index

11 hablo I speak hablo I speak arvb.ppt

12 hablas you speak hablas you speak arvb.ppt return to index

13 habla she speaks habla she speaks arvb.ppt return to index

14 hablamos we speak hablamos we speak arvb.ppt return to index

15 hablan they speak hablan they speak arvb.ppt return to index

16 nadamos we swim nadamos we swim return to index

17 miran they watch miran they watch return to index

18 nadamos we swim nadamos we swim return to index

19 baila she dances baila she dances

20 caminas you walk caminas you walk return to index

21 escuchan they listen escuchan they listen return to index

22 nadáis you all swim nadáis you all swim

23 habla he speaks habla he speaks return to index

24 nado I swim nado I swim return to index

25 estudian they study estudian they study

26 llegamos we arrive llegamos we arrive return to index

27 usas you use usas you use return to index

28 enseñan you teach enseñan you teach return to index

29 busco I look for

30 esperan you wait for esperan you wait for return to index

31 Your turn! Conjugate the following –ar verbs: estudiar- to study escuchar- to listen llegar- to arrive

32 estudiar- to study estudio estudiamos estudiasestudiáis estudiaestudian

33 escuchar- to listen escucho escuchamos escuchasescucháis escuchaescuchan

34 llegar- to arrive llego llegamos llegasllegáis llegallegan

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