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Expectations for Year 2 September 2015. Overview Focus for Year 2 Induction week Research Training Monitoring Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations for Year 2 September 2015. Overview Focus for Year 2 Induction week Research Training Monitoring Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expectations for Year 2 September 2015

2 Overview Focus for Year 2 Induction week Research Training Monitoring Support

3 Ethics Applications: – These should have been completed. Fieldwork, Data Collection – You should have clear ideas about plans for fieldwork and data collection – You should have/be in the process of applying for any permissions Data Analysis Thesis Format Conference Attendance – You should have plans to disseminate your work, start to network. – You should develop your presentation skills TA Work

4 Divisional Events – Divisions held welcome events on Monday, there was a lunch before this meeting. There will be other opportunities to welcome new students and network. Expectations form, Additional Research Training? – Important to establish your working relationship and to discuss the expectations and any training needs with your supervisor(s).

5 Check the MBS PGR Intranet for updates. Check the PGR e- bulletin. Participate in research seminars Support for initiatives.

6 Research Training MBS RTP – FoH Researcher Development – herdevelopment/ herdevelopment/ Methods@Manchester – NARTI –

7 Review and Monitoring Engagement and Attendance – Supervisors are expected to meet students frequently – normally fortnightly but at least monthly. It is a requirement for the supervisor to complete the eProg Engagement and Attendance form each month. January review – A key opportunity to identify any issues with progress Annual review – Panel meetings with independent reviewer Roles and Responsibilies: – brary/Services/Postgraduate- research/eprog/FINALeProgrolesresponsibilitiesJuly14.pdf brary/Services/Postgraduate- research/eprog/FINALeProgrolesresponsibilitiesJuly14.pdf

8 Manage Your Time Effectively Set yourself tasks and goals and stick to them Avoid email and the internet!

9 Waiting for that Eureka moment? Most discoveries are the product of hard work… they do not happen in the bath, but after hours of trail and error.

10 The Motivation Fairy She doesn’t exist!!!

11 Academic Writing For many this will be a key challenge Attend courses to help Try to write everyday – the more regularly you write the easier it will become. Consider setting up a writing/completion group?

12 Academic Writing

13 Special Permissions Applications for Extensions and Interruption from students can only be considered if they have mitigating circumstances and must be supported by their supervisors. You need to provide a detailed statement explaining the circumstances, provide any documentary evidence and confirm your current and predicted progress [work plan]. All applicants may be required to meet with the PGR Director or Divisional Coordinators to discuss the application prior to the PGR Director approving/rejecting or referring the application.

14 Support for You and Your Supervisors In addition to myself and the PGR Coordinator Helen McManamon Each Division has a Coordinator: [Also PhD advisor] A&F : Marie Dutordoir IMP : Ronnie Ramlogan MSM : Emma Banister PMO : Leo McCann Each Division has a designated PGR team member: A&F : Mark Falzon x50784 IMP : Rachel Sinnotx56591 MSM : Paul Greenhamx61290 PMO : Leo Tarasovx56416

15 Problems? Discuss with your supervisors Raise issues with the PGR Office Speak to your student rep Speak to your Divisional Coordinator Speak to Helen or myself

16 Good News? Feedback on Good News to the PGR Office: Awards, Key Conferences, Publications etc.

17 Social Events & Networking PGR Pastry Friday returns!!! First Friday of every month starting October 2 nd 14:00 Hankins 10-.04 Friday November 20 th, MacDonald Hotel. PGR Social Evening

18 And Finally… Student Reps. Printing credit. DRSA & Conference Support PGR best paper award. Is there anything you were hoping to hear about? Is there any support you would like? Sessions you would like to attend during the year?

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