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Chapter 3 Studying Social Life: Sociological Research Methods.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Studying Social Life: Sociological Research Methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Studying Social Life: Sociological Research Methods

2 2 Overview n Social Research Qualitative and Quantitative The research model n Research Methods Video: Sociological Thinking and Research n Issues in Sociological Research

3 3 Research Methods n Qualitative Methods Micro-level Looks at qualities in data Identifying, defining, describing Express in narratives n Quantitative Methods Macro-level Looks at quantities in data Measuring, counting, weighing Express in numbers

4 4 Doing Sociological Research The scientific research model (1) Select topic (2) Define problem (3) Review literature (4) Formulate hypothesis (5) Choose method(s) (6) Collect data (7) Analyze data (8) Disseminate findings

5 5 Qualitative Methods n Ethnographic Methods n Interviews

6 6 ETHNOGRAPHIC METHODS n Participant Observation “Field work” n Naturally-occurring social environments Everyday life Face-to-face interaction n Access and rapport Get “member’s eye” view n “Field notes” as data to be analyzed

7 7 Jonathan Kozol Elijah Anderson Mitchell Duneier

8 8 INTERVIEWS n Face-to-face with respondents Formal or informal n Challenge of writing questions Closed or open-ended n Administering the questionnaire Subjects speak in their own words n Transcription and analysis

9 9 Interview Questions n Closed-ended “ Are you for or against couples living together before they are married? ” n Open-ended “ What do you think about couples living together before they are married? ”


11 11 Quantitative Research Methods n Existing Sources n Surveys n Experiments

12 12 EXISTING SOURCES n Data originally collected for another purpose Media, documents, records, art, other research n Unobtrusive measures (“Social archaeology”) Examines use of physical environment n Content Analysis n Comparative Historical Analysis




16 16 SURVEYS n Various types Census, polls, market research n Planning a study Types of questions Likert scales Problematic questions n Selecting a research population Target group of study n Taking a sample Random sample represents the population n Response rates n Statistical analysis

17 17 SURVEYS n Various types Census, polls, market research n Planning a study Types of questions and answers Likert scales Problematic questions n Selecting a research population Target group of study n Taking a sample Random sample represents the population n Response rates n Statistical analysis


19 19 Video Presentation: “Sociological Thinking and Research”

20 20 EXPERIMENTS n Examines the relationship between variables n Conducted under controlled conditions n Human subjects are randomly divided The experimental group is exposed to the independent variable The control group is not



23 23 Issues in Sociological Research n Basic – vs. – Applied Research BASIC Study without any agenda APPLIED To be applied toward social change n Non-academic uses Unscientific polls Examples Marketing research Commercial ethnography –“Cool Hunters”


25 25 Issues in Sociological Research: Values and Objectivity n Max Weber: research should be value free No personal beliefs or biases to interfere Is it possible to achieve this ideal? n Objectivity To let facts speak for themselves n Lessons from Brown vs. Board of Education How research bias has influenced public policy “Separate but equal” doctrine influenced by social science –Belief that laws cannot influence social change Overturned in 1954 in civil rights case supported by newer research –Belief that morality could be legislated

26 26 Issues in Sociological Research: Reactivity and Ethics n Reactivity People respond to being studied The “Hawthorne Effect” –Study of worker productivity n Ethical Considerations Historical abuses The Nuremberg Code Codes of Ethics Informed consent of participants in research Confidentiality Institutional Review Boards (IRB) Deception No harm to research participants Respect for privacy, dignity, and safety

27 27 NEXT … Word Sort: Theory and Method

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