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1 LBT Q1 2008 Engineering Review PWR: Site electrical power, includes power install on levels 1, PEPSI bridge, and 4, and power monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "1 LBT Q1 2008 Engineering Review PWR: Site electrical power, includes power install on levels 1, PEPSI bridge, and 4, and power monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 LBT Q1 2008 Engineering Review PWR: Site electrical power, includes power install on levels 1, PEPSI bridge, and 4, and power monitoring

2 2 Highlights (Q1/2008) Level 4 power to support LBTI closed cycle cooler compressor is complete Level 4 power to support LBTI closed cycle cooler compressor is complete Power monitoring started 29 February and has continued through March Power monitoring started 29 February and has continued through March

3 3 Open Issues Technical Technical Need to identify power route to PEPSI container Need to identify power route to PEPSI container Need to define PF correction, if required Need to define PF correction, if required Schedule Schedule Scheduled for 2008 Scheduled for 2008 Financial Financial Will have to purchase cable, conduit and connectors Will have to purchase cable, conduit and connectors Resource Resource None None

4 4 Planning (Q2/2008) Install connection point power for PEPSI at bridge location Install connection point power for PEPSI at bridge location Continue monitoring power quality Continue monitoring power quality Install power for PEPSI container on 3L Install power for PEPSI container on 3L Determine course of action for PF correction Determine course of action for PF correction

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