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Support for Scholarly Research in Florida Academic Libraries Tina Neville and Deborah Henry USF Libraries Annual Meeting December 15, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Support for Scholarly Research in Florida Academic Libraries Tina Neville and Deborah Henry USF Libraries Annual Meeting December 15, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support for Scholarly Research in Florida Academic Libraries Tina Neville and Deborah Henry USF Libraries Annual Meeting December 15, 2006

2 2003 survey of practicing academic librarians in Florida: On October 16, 2003, email invitations were sent to 820 librarians at sixty-eight different institutions 196 usable replies were received Although the responses were anonymous,36 respondents provided their institutional name, allowing the authors to confirm that at least 53% of the 68 institutions surveyed were represented in the final response.

3 In 2003, promotion-earning Florida academic librarians said: 65% felt there had been a greater emphasis on publishing in the last 5 years 59% said publishing books and articles was required or strongly recommended for promotion 43% felt that national presentations are required or strongly recommended for promotion 29% said that state presentations are required or strongly recommended for promotion

4 In 2003, promotion-earning Florida academic librarians said: 51% claimed full travel support with another 39% having partial travel support 59% had sabbatical and/or research leave available

5 2005 Research Questions: Did academic library administrators agree with the consensus that professional research requirements had increased in the last five years? What kind of support were academic library administrators providing for librarian’s professional research? What kind of support were academic institutions providing for librarian’s professional research?

6 A second survey was conducted in May 2005 of library administrators at Florida academic libraries Institutional Responses: Associate Colleges:23 Baccalaureate: 7 Master’s:14 Doctoral/Research:17 Specialized: 3 Other: 1 Total Responses: 65 Response rate: 71%

7 Emphasis on publishing - Comparisons 44% of the total library administrators surveyed in 2005 responded that they felt the emphasis on publishing has increased in the last 5 years 60% of all the practicing academic librarians who responded to the 2003 surveyed believed that emphasis on publishing has increased

8 Emphasis on publishing – Comparisons by type of institution At promotion-earning institutions, 41% of the library administrators agreed that the emphasis on publishing had increased 65% of the promotion-earning librarians believed that the emphasis on publishing had increased

9 Emphasis on publishing – Comparisons by type of institution At tenure-earning institutions, 100% of the administrators agreed that the emphasis had increased. 83% of the tenure-earning librarians believed that the emphasis on publishing had increased

10 Emphasis on publishing – Comparisons by type of institution

11 2005 Results: Travel funds 53% of administrators at doctoral/research libraries felt travel funds had increased in the last 5 years—24% said funding had decreased

12 2005 Results: Travel funds Travel requests receiving the highest priority are for presentations at a national conference (89%) or at a state conference (81%) Next highest priority went to those attending committee meetings at a national (61%) or state (60%) meeting

13 2005 Results: Travel funds Members attending national conferences for professional development purposes received high priority funding in 44% of the cases Members attending state conferences for professional development purposes received high priority funding in 48% of the cases

14 2005 Results: Research Research is required at 65% of the doctoral/research level institutions but only 44% of them include research time in their official job descriptions

15 2005 Results: Time for Research The most common allotment of time devoted to research is 5-10% (42%), irrespective of rank 25% have 10-20% of their time devoted to research Only 8% have more than 20% devoted to research

16 2005 Results: Time for Research at doctoral/research institutions 87% of the institutions allow informal or irregular release time for research activities 67% allow flexible scheduling to aid in research activities 23% are eligible for regular release time to work on research

17 2005 Results: Guidance for Research activities at doctoral/research institutions 82% provide informal mentoring 24% have a library research committee 18% provide formal mentoring 18% do not provide any kind of specific guidance

18 Guidance for Research: What works? At Auburn University, a Library Research Advisory Committee was established to communicate and educate librarians on a variety of research topics. Since the committee was established in 1987, research productivity has increased by almost 90% 1 1 Tamera P. Lee, "The Library Research Committee: It Has the Money and the Time," The Journal of Academic Librarianship 21, (March 1995): 111-115;

19 2005 Results: Research funds Funding requests may be made for: Equipment (85% institutions) Photocopying supplies (85% institutions) Software (79% institutions) Mailing supplies/postage (72% institutions) Student or grad assistant help (50%) Clerical support (43%)

20 2005 Results: Professional memberships: Doctoral, Masters, and Baccalaureate Institutions 60% require or strongly consider professional memberships at the national level for promotion and tenure decisions At 76% of these institutions, the individual is responsible for all membership fees in professional associations Of the institutions that pay for memberships, all are small private or law libraries.

21 Discussion: Is the increasing emphasis on publication for promotion a reasonable expectation? If not, how can we change it? If yes, what can we do to improve in the areas of support? How many people are expected to continue scholarly activities after they have completed all promotions? How many do?

22 Discussion What is a reasonable expectation for the amount of money individuals should be required to spend out-of-pocket? What kinds of mentoring activities do you think are most useful?

23 Additional questions?

24 Full results will be available… In the January 2007 issue of the Journal of Academic Librarianship

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