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SCOPM National Performance Measurement Workshop Performance Management: The Game Changer AASHTO Annual Meeting October 29, 2010 Biloxi, Mississippi 3 –

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Presentation on theme: "SCOPM National Performance Measurement Workshop Performance Management: The Game Changer AASHTO Annual Meeting October 29, 2010 Biloxi, Mississippi 3 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCOPM National Performance Measurement Workshop Performance Management: The Game Changer AASHTO Annual Meeting October 29, 2010 Biloxi, Mississippi 3 – 5 PM

2 2 Agenda 2 1.Introduction 2.Performance Measurement Framework 3.Candidate Initial Set of Performance Measures for Rollout 4.Important Initiatives and Coordination 5.Next Steps 6.Closing Comments

3 3 Workshop Purpose National performance measurement development process Presentation of the framework for national performance measures Presentation of the initial set of performance measures for adoption at the BOD meeting on Monday Dialogue on initial set of performance measures and national performance measurement framework Obtain agreement on the critical importance of AASHTO moving forward with proactively developing a national performance measurement program Obtain support for BOD resolution

4 4 SCOPM Leadership Chair & Preservation TF Kirk Steudle Michigan DOT Safety TF Nancy Richardson Iowa DOT Freight & Economic Development TF Tom Sorel Minnesota DOT Comparative Perf. Measures Daniela Bremmer Washington DOT Co-Chair Paula Hammond Washington DOT Congestion & Operations TF Steve Simmons Texas DOT Comparative Perf. Measures Mara Campbell Missouri DOT Connectivity TF Francis Ziegler North Dakota DOT Planning & Programming Process Deb Miller Kansas DOT Environment Matt Garrett Oregon DOT Transit TF & Livability TF are being created 4

5 5 AASHTO Reauthorization Proposal In 2008, reauthorization proposal adopted. Included a national performance measurement program focused on critical national transportation goals. Focus attention on key national goals More transparency & accountability for the federal program Build on the PM work already in State DOTs Make the case for a larger Federal program Drive better performance through comparative PM program

6 6 Performance targets set in cooperation w/partners & stakeholders Proposed National Performance Management Process Key elements of the program include: and NOT include: National Goals by Congress & Secretary of Transportation PMs established through a collaborative process For each state – build on the work already done on PMs Consistent monitoring & reporting of actual results Performance measures or targets established in legislation Tying PMs and/or targets to funding Disincentives that penalizes states

7 7 Interstate Commerce: Supporting America’s global competitiveness, growth in productivity, economic development, and national defense through an improved multi-modal freight system Environment: Enhancing community quality of life and minimizing impacts on the environment and global climate change System Operations: Using advanced management techniques and technologies to assure travel reliability and provide effective emergency response in disasters Safety: Reducing traffic fatalities, serious injuries, and property loss National Goals Preservation and Renewal: Preserving highway, transit, and rail systems so they last for generations to come Congestion Reduction and Connectivity for Urban and Rural Areas: Improving the ability of highway, transit, and rail to improve personal mobility, connectivity, and accessibility

8 8 National Performance Measurement Framework

9 9 Readiness Criteria 9 Criteria Initial Measures – Ready for Deployment General consensus on the definition of the measure Common or centralized approach to data collection in place Availability of consistent data across states established through a national comparative analysis or other research effort

10 10 Candidate Initial Set of Performance Measures for Rollout 10 Goal AreaInitial Measures – Ready for Deployment Safety Multiple year moving average of the number of fatalities Pavement PreservationNHS IRI Bridge PreservationDeck Area of structurally deficient bridges on NHS Congestion/OperationsSpeed based metric ConnectivityNo initial measures EnvironmentNo initial measures Freight/Economic Competitiveness Speed/travel time on significant freight corridors (SFC) Reliability on SFCs TransitNo initial measures

11 11 Share information on practices of better performing states Understand current state of the data – work towards common definitions and measurement practices Provide states with comparative view of performance relative to peers Useful practices and sharing of knowledge and self - improvement is the goal - not punishment Get buy-in from states, agree on guidelines or standards for comparability – qualify measures for Tier 1 status Comparative Performance Measures Program 11 O B J E C T I V E S RELATIONS TO NATIONAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES CPM provides valuable input for development of national performance measures Gain “on the ground” experience working with available data Involve states in building consensus around measures Vet candidate national measures Has allowed states to get ahead of the curve to help influence the authorizing environment 11

12 12 Round 2 12 Comparative Performance Measurement Projects Bridge Condition Incident Response CPM Infrastructure NCHRP 20-24(37F) -Framework & functional description for comparative performance database & analysis infrastructure -Implementation and stewardship approach for the database & web site Technical Standards & Guidance NCHRP 20-24(37G) -Tier 1 Measure definitions, calculation methods, reporting formats -Action needed to progress Tiers 2&3 -Implementation guidance for nationwide performance program implementation 12

13 13

14 14 TRB Performance Measurement Committee Scope: Focus on system performance measures Forum for the exchange of ideas and sharing experience Develops research topics and statements Develops and disseminates resource material 4th International Transportation Systems Performance Measurement Conference –May 18-20, 2011 (Irvine, CA)

15 15 Biloxi Meeting Activities BOD Resolution on Monday, November 1st in the afternoon session –Need every state’s YES vote on Monday!!! –Clear message to Congress on the purpose of the national performance measures and the importance of not tying the program to funding Presentations at Standing Committees and Regional Breakfasts –SCOH (Francis Ziegler), SCOP (Deb Miller) –NASTO, WASHTO, SASHTO, MASTO

16 16 Post-Biloxi Activities Complete technical guidance framework Adopt technical guidance framework for each of the goal areas and performance measures Support state data collection efforts Operationalize/Implement the use of national performance measures in the decision-making process SCOPM will collectively look at the integration of other modes in the performance measures

17 17 Need Your Support!!! Voice support vote for the resolution with the friendly amendments “to lead the way!!”

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