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S5 Data Quality John Zweizig LIGO/Caltech. Contents ● Segment Database ● Automatically generated segments ● Other segments ● Segment summary.

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Presentation on theme: "S5 Data Quality John Zweizig LIGO/Caltech. Contents ● Segment Database ● Automatically generated segments ● Other segments ● Segment summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 S5 Data Quality John Zweizig LIGO/Caltech

2 Contents ● Segment Database ● Automatically generated segments ● Other segments ● Segment summary

3 Segment Database ● Segment Definition Table – Name / Version – Comment ● Segment Table – Start / Stop GPS – Activity (on/off) ● Process/Pedigree ● Map Table

4 Segment Database (cont'd) ● Benefits – Real-time segment definition/insertion – Immediate availability (e.g. for online analysis) – Query interface. ● Access Modes – Database query – segwizard – Flat files.

5 Segment Access - LSCsegFind ● Segment database client – Command line interface – Flexible query syntax (e.g. segment combinations) – Multiple output formats ● Self documentation “LSCsegFind –help” ● Example syntax: – LSCSegFind -t PD_Overflow -s 819123456 -e 819234567 -i H1

6 Segment access: segwizard ● tcl/tk GUI – well known and loved by many ● Latency?

7 Automatically Generated Segments ● State Vector ● SegGener – H1:H2_Not_Locked – H2:H1_Not_Locked – Wind_Over_30MPH – PD_Overflow (LSC Master overflow) – ASC_Overflow

8 Front-End Processor Errors ● LSC_Master_Overflow (similar to PD_Overflow) ● ASC_Master_Overflow (similar to ASC_Overflow) ● Calibration line dropouts – CALIB_DROPOUT_1SAMPLE – CALIB_DROPOUT_1SECOND – CALIB_DROPOUT_AWG-STUCK

9 H2 OSEM Sensor Glitches ● Enter GW channel via local damping loop – Weak filtering in H2 – Fixed in Feb 2006 ● OSEM_GLITCH segs – Threshold second trend sigma in H2:SUS- ITM[XY]_SENSOR_[U L]L – GW trigs in 112/147 of these segments

10 To Be Investigated ● Seismic ● Power fluctuations (Dips/glitches) ● Photon Calibrator glitches ● Thermal Compensation System (TCS) glitches. ● Spontaneous violin mode changes.

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