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Eliasar Diaz Element project Element of lead. HOW IS LEAD USED? Lead is not a really rare because it could be found easily in the earth crust. Lead takes.

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Presentation on theme: "Eliasar Diaz Element project Element of lead. HOW IS LEAD USED? Lead is not a really rare because it could be found easily in the earth crust. Lead takes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eliasar Diaz Element project Element of lead

2 HOW IS LEAD USED? Lead is not a really rare because it could be found easily in the earth crust. Lead takes 0.0013% of the earths crust. Most lead is usually obtain by roasting galena in hot air.

3 FUN FACT Did you know that Many people use lead =in battery's.

4 HOW PEOPLE IN THE PAST USED LEAD. THE romans made things out of lead for example they made water pipes Lead forms in many useful compounds lead also called litharge the yellow part could make types of glass and also lead crystal, flint glasses

5 HISTORY OF LEAD Lead is known since ancient times in those times another word for lead was plumbum (lead). THE meaning of plumbum is liquid silver. Alchemists believe that silver is the oldest metal

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