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Washington Irving. Irving as Early Romanticist descriptions of Nature’s beauty his utilization of gothic imagery – Gothic literature--poetry, short stories,

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Presentation on theme: "Washington Irving. Irving as Early Romanticist descriptions of Nature’s beauty his utilization of gothic imagery – Gothic literature--poetry, short stories,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington Irving

2 Irving as Early Romanticist descriptions of Nature’s beauty his utilization of gothic imagery – Gothic literature--poetry, short stories, or novels designed to thrill readers by providing mystery, villainy, murder, and the supernatural belief that man was inherently good and would act nobly without incentive to do so

3 A Writer of “Firsts” first belletrist in American literature – belleslettres—”literature regarded as a fine art, esp. as having a purely aesthetic function”; Irving wrote for pleasure at a time when writing was pragmatic first American literary humorist first to write history and biography as entertainment introduced nonfiction prose as a literary genre

4 A Writer of “Firsts” First 19 th century American writer to achieve international literary reputation First American writer to support himself solely through writing

5 A Writer of Pseudonyms Jonathan Oldstyle Dietrich Knickerbocker Geoffrey Crayon

6 Important Works Salgamundi (Papers) A History of New York The Sketch Book A Tour of the Prairies

7 Hudson River School Themes in the art: – Discovery – Exploration – Settlement – Pastoral America

8 Thomas Cole—Landscape, 1825

9 John Frederick Kensett—Connecticut Shoreline in Autumn

10 Albert Bierstadt—Sierra Nevada Mountains

11 Asher Durand—Kindred Spirits

12 Rip van Winkle Themes Loss/discovery of identity challenge to American values and work ethic Anti-republicanism--George III vs. George Washington

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