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Robotics & Autonomy Test Facility Workshop 28 th February 2012 Dr Derek J. Bennet Robotics.

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Presentation on theme: "Robotics & Autonomy Test Facility Workshop 28 th February 2012 Dr Derek J. Bennet Robotics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotics & Autonomy Test Facility Workshop 28 th February 2012 Dr Derek J. Bennet Robotics & Autonomy Test Facility Workshop

2 28 th February 20122Robotics & Autonomy Test Facility Workshop Current Capabilities Robotics & Autonomy Autonomous control algorithms -single/multi-robot systems -swarm pattern formation -swarm reconfiguration -control methodologies for mathematically verifiable behaviours Autonomous goal allocation -Extremely important in poorly known environments -Based on the Wisdom system -Bio-inspired autonomy system Operations Panning & Scheduling FDIR Obstacle avoidance Path planning Multiple robotic platforms; UAVs, UUV

3 3 Current Capabilities Testing Facility - FIRST laboratory with located in the Centre of Ultrasonic Engineering - technology transfer facility for Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT & E) research. Using the facility to increase TRL of our fundamental research - verifying the developed single/multi-robot control algorithms in a lab environment Equipment - 6 camera VICON Motion Capture System 28 th February 2012Robotics & Autonomy Test Facility Workshop

4 4 Current Capabilities Example projects Hazard map (+ science goals) Descent controller Landing Site Selection Mole StrathBug walker Strathswarm 28 th February 2012Robotics & Autonomy Test Facility Workshop

5 5 Future & Complimentary Capabilities Expand our fundamental research and testing capability - more complex and long term operations (develop the WISDOM system) - other robotic platforms (micro-UAVs/micro-rovers), particular unconventional robotic systems Access to highly agile UAS which can emulate other types of vehicles - on-board software, load control algorithm & emulate the less agile vehicles behaviour and response. Link to Strathclyde Innovation Centre - carry out remote experiments using Strathclyde’s CDF and the Janet high speed link 28 th February 2012Robotics & Autonomy Test Facility Workshop


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