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“ Parents have the right and the duty to be involved in the educational lives of their children ” (Segal, et al., 2006, p. 284) Welcome to Seminar: Professional.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Parents have the right and the duty to be involved in the educational lives of their children ” (Segal, et al., 2006, p. 284) Welcome to Seminar: Professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Parents have the right and the duty to be involved in the educational lives of their children ” (Segal, et al., 2006, p. 284) Welcome to Seminar: Professional Development & KU Resources

2 Review of Unit 6: Professional Organizations Identify professional organizations within the field of early childhood education Identify the importance of professional organizations within the field Review the academic strategies and resources explored throughout the course

3 Goals for Unit 7 Identify how professionalism, personal characteristics, responsibilities, expectations, and roles have changed and explain new roles the early childhood professional should anticipate For the Unit 7 seminar you were instructed to locate & share an article, report, or position statement that relates to a career in early childhood development. Be prepared to share your findings later in seminar.

4 Unit 7 Project: 1-2 Page Essay Your first paragraph should be an opening statement In paragraphs two through two through six, you will identify how professionalism, personal characteristics, responsibilities, expectations, and roles have changed over the years. In paragraph seven, you will explain some of the new roles the early childhood professional should anticipate. In paragraph eight, you will share how historical events, theorists, or legislation have influenced these changes. Your final paragraph should summarize your learning.

5 Unit 7 Project Format/ APA Include a Cover Page (with your name/ date/ course title/ project title) & a Reference Page Include a minimum of two quotes/ citations Example of quote: “ It isn’t always true that what worked in the past (even the recent past) is appropriate or best for today’s child.” (Puckett, Black (2005); pg.5) Example of listing references: Puckett, M., & Black, J. (2005). The young child: Development from prebirth through age eight. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

6 nccic: National Child Care Information & Technical Assistance Center Licensing is a process administered by State governments that sets a baseline of requirements below which it is illegal for facilities that provide child care services to operate, unless the facility is legally exempt from licensing. States have regulations that include the requirements child care facilities must comply with and policies to support enforcement of those regulations. Additional information about licensing is available on NCCIC’s Web site at

7 A directory of all State child care licensing agencies is available on NCCIC’s Web site at e=licensing e=licensing State requirements for minimum pre-service qualifications and annual ongoing training hours for Child Care Center Teachers and Master Teachers is found in the Unit 7 Reading assignment where data are from The 2007 Child Care Licensing Study (2009), by NCCIC and the National Association for Regulatory Administration (NARA). The full report, 50-state data tables, and State profiles from this study are available on NARA’s Web site at barticlenbr=160 barticlenbr=160 NCCIC does not endorse any organization, publication, or resource.

8 nccic: A look into Financial Assistance For information on financial assistance for early childhood educators, visit the National Child Care Information Center Web site: ptopics/ ml

9 NAEYC Position Statement: Conceptual Framework for Early Childhood Professional Development Strand 1: Improving public understanding & support for high-quality early childhood programs Key elements to guide state & community plans: 1. A holistic approach to the needs of children and their families that stresses collaborative planning and service integration across traditional boundaries of child care, education, health, and social services; 2. Systems that promote and recognize quality through licensing, regulation, and accreditation;

10 continued… 3. An effective system of early childhood professional development that provides meaningful opportunities for career advancement to ensure a well-qualified and stable workforce; 4. Equitable financing that ensures access for all children and families to high-quality services; 5. Active involvement of all players—providers, practitioners, parents, and community leaders from both public and private sectors—in all aspects of program planning and delivery. NAEYC, working in conjunction with many other groups, is addressing each of these issues.

11 Share your professional development experiences, plans! Strand 2: Facilitating the professional development of individuals working for and with young children birth through age eight. What professional development experiences have you had? CPR Training; Kaplan Online Workshops; Conferences; etc.? What types of professional development appeal to you? Why? What professional organizations might you join; look for?

12 NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct NAEYC's Code of Ethical Conduct guides professional behavior (especially in ‘grey’ areas) & supports laws that impact educators. “Ethical dilemmas: complex situations that are not solved by research or law and for which there is more than one possible course of action taken; for which there are potentially positive and negative implications” (Follari, 2007, p. 119). Link to:

13 Sharing Time to share about the article, report, or position statement that you located for tonight’s seminar.

14 Guide to Online Communication The Student Guide to Kaplan Online Communication is the base of the Unit 7 Discussion. The link is named Additional Help. Contents: A. Introduction & Overview B. Netiquette A few guidelines to follow when interacting online. C. A Few “Rules of Thumb” D. Participating in Threaded Discussions- learn how to participate in discussion threads Discussion guidelines- tips on creating successful discussion posts Discussion examples- of acceptable and unacceptable discussion posts E. Kaplan Webmail & Instant Messenger AIM- as applies to classmates/ professor

15 Discussion In addition to personal management, what are the three most valuable tools, strategies or resources you have learned about? How have you used or do you plan on using these tools in your success in your role as student and in your career? Explain why they along with personal management are most useful to you and give an example of how you plan on applying them to your schoolwork and to your work in the early childhood field.

16 “The test of the morality of a society is what it does for it’s children.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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