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Recruitment & Retention Strategies. Panhandle Accelerate Texas Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "Recruitment & Retention Strategies. Panhandle Accelerate Texas Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruitment & Retention Strategies


3 Panhandle Accelerate Texas Consortium

4 Phone CallsFlyers Social Media

5  50 % Social Media  25 % Phone calls  12.5 % Flyers  12.5 % School Website

6  Reaching and staying connected to students has been made convenient through technology  Most Students own a cell phone; immediate access  Keeps your program current and relevant

7  Allows programs to utilize staff more efficiently because it cuts down on phone calls  Send Announcements  Upcoming Events  Send Attachments  Flyers  Forms  Enrollment  School website

8  Introducing Social media can be intimidating to some staff  Stagnant Social media pages….are an OH NO!  For Success Incorporate Training & PD Update Regularly  Assign more than one staff member to be responsible for posting updates; Do not have a stagnant social media page!!!!!!!!!!


10  Low and Declined Student Enrollment  Low or Sporadic Student Attendance  Low Progress Test Results

11 2014 July-October2015 July-October

12 Redesigned Curriculum Building Student Relationships 80%  Enrollment & 13 %  Attendance

13  Extended orientation  Changed our Classroom Model  High Engagement Teaching Strategies  Student Success Plans  Selective Hiring

14 Jumpstart Week  Workshops o Time management o Organization Sills o Learning Styles o Goal Setting o Growth Mind Set vs. Fixed Mind Set o How to Communicate With Your Instructor  Structured Classes  Games and Prizes Please Continue On

15  Selecting When Hiring Staff  Hiring Innovative Instructors  Utilizing High Engagement Teaching Strategies  Creating Student Success Plans

16  College Integration  Enroll Students Into Remind  Weekly Retention Plans  Proactive Advising  On the Horizon; Life Coaches  Raising Aspirations for Postsecondary Training

17 Retention Retention  Student did not attend class; send a text   “Missed you today”  “See you tomorrow”  “Here’s what you missed today” Class announcements Class announcements  “Meet in computer lab first today” Homework Homework  “Try this word problem before class” Encouragement Encouragement  “Keep up the good work class”

18  Students who have not received 12+ hours within the first week of class….. 1. Run TEAMS report students with less than 12 hours 2. Make phone calls 3. Send text through Remind  Weekly reports are required of students who are attending sporadically Student name Method of ContactOutcome/ResultDate John DoePhoneHe has been sick3/1/15

19  Life Coach  Students with NRS levels 5 or greater  Contact student weekly  Assesses student progress every three weeks

20  Registering Students Into The College System  Advising Notes in Datatel System  AEL and DE Alignment  Student ID’s  Access to College Support Services  Social Services  Food Pantry

21 Cost Savings with Developmental Education Redesign and AEL Alignment AEL instructorSuccess CenterBAMAPh.D $20$20-$28$590$625$690 MANC $ 200.00 $ 300.00 $ 885.00 $ 938.00 $ 1,035.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 7,080.00 $ 7,504.00 $ 8,280.00

22  Creating an environment that allows for non- threatening continuous improvement conversations; are necessary!!

23 Dr. Tamara Clunis Dean of Academic Success Michelle Lamons GED Program Coordinator

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