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Thursday 5 th November To describe variations in water consumption.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday 5 th November To describe variations in water consumption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday 5 th November To describe variations in water consumption.

2 h/629/629/5086298.stm

3 Global water supplies

4 Water Resources

5 Water use

6 Poor water

7 Water connected

8 " The Amazonian basin, where ten of the twenty largest rivers in the world are to be found... represents one fifth of the entire fresh water reserves of the planet. " Brazilian Government’s Ministry of External Affair, 2002 "... the right to water emanates from and is indispensable for an adequate standard of living as it is one of the most fundamental conditions for survival." Céline Dubreuil, 2006 "Clean water is essential for life and something most of us in the United Kingdom take for granted. But over a billion people in the world do not have access to it..." Barbara Frost, 2007 "It is the cause of debilitating diseases for the majority of children. That is how serious a lack of sanitation and clean water is." Hans Spruijt, 2004

9 2.1 What physical factors determine the supply of water? Climate. Relief. Geology.


11 Monthly rainfall patterns of contrasting areas. Great Salt Lake. London Basin aquifer. Norway rainfall and storage.

12 El Nino

13 Common Agricultural policy

14 The Blue Revolution

15 Genetically modified crops



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