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The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. Industry Research Methods Workshop Gail O’Kane Minnesota.

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Presentation on theme: "The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. Industry Research Methods Workshop Gail O’Kane Minnesota."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. Industry Research Methods Workshop Gail O’Kane Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Bio-Link Fellows Conference June 5, 2008

2 The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. Biotechnology Nanotechnology Medical Devices Renewable Energy Bioinformatics Biotechnology Nanotechnology

3 Statewide Education-Industry Partnership Council MnSCU Biosciences Education and Research Work Group Colleges & Universities (state, land grant, private), Workforce Development, K-12, Industry, Government Colleges & Universities/ Faculty & Administrators

4 Food Minnesota Life Science Community NanoTech & Materials Science Genomics, Proteomics & High Throughput Biology Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Imaging / Navigation Catalysis & Synthesis (Biological & Chemical) Enabling Knowledge Clusters EducationInfrastructurePolicy Foundational Capabilities Minnesota Industries v.14dec07 Renew- able Energy Bio Materials Medical Devices Pharma/ Biologics Animal Health Commercialization Catalysts Int’l Business Support Center Component/Service Suppliers Academic Tech Transfer Acceleration / Incubation Funding Leadership Talent Skilled Workforce Bioengineering & Clinical Capabilities

5 Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences Destination 2025 Global “white paper” for each industry (6) Minnesota-focused “white paper” for each industry (6) Minnesota Roadmap for Growth (1) Completed by January 2009

6 Slide 6 Biosciences Job Vacancy Report  MnSCU and partners provide state Department of Employment & Economic Development with list of bioscience companies - identified from the ground up (not by NAICS codes)  State economic development agency includes companies in ongoing job vacancy survey  Classification of job titles using Radford-defined biotechnology occupations (  Biggest challenge – companies that are only partially “bioscience”

7 Slide 7 Job Classifications  Administration  Business Devt./Marketing/Sales Support  Clinical  Information Systems  Process Devt./Manufacturing/Production  Quality Assurance  Quality Control  Regulatory Affairs  R&D

8 Slide 8 $1M MnSCU BioBusiness Initiative 1.BioBusiness Clearinghouse and Digital Learning Library (Ridgewater College): 1.Virtual “one-stop shop” (i.e., website) for four initiative projects and other biobusiness resources 2.Convener of the four project teams 3.Establish/maintain Digital Learning Library 2.Professional Development Workshops for Faculty/Teachers (Minneapolis Community & Technical College): A series of professional development workshops for system faculty along with middle- and high-school teachers.

9 Slide 9 Four BioBusiness Projects 3.BioBusiness Internship/Externship Program (Anoka-Ramsey Community Colleg): A program that will increase the availability of internships for students and externships for faculty in private companies, system universities, and research institutions. 4.K-12 Partnership Project (St. Cloud State University): A mobile science laboratory for Central Minnesota

10 Slide 10 For more information Gail O’Kane office: (651) 282-5514 cell: (651) 472-4286

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