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Gamma-Ray Bursts. Short (sub-second to minutes) flashes of gamma- rays, for ~ 30 years not associated with any counterparts in other wavelength bands.

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Presentation on theme: "Gamma-Ray Bursts. Short (sub-second to minutes) flashes of gamma- rays, for ~ 30 years not associated with any counterparts in other wavelength bands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gamma-Ray Bursts

2 Short (sub-second to minutes) flashes of gamma- rays, for ~ 30 years not associated with any counterparts in other wavelength bands First dedicated GRB detector: BATSE on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory

3 GRB Light Curves Long GRBs (duration > 2 s)Short GRBs (duration < 1 s) Possibly two different types of GRBs: Long and short bursts

4 General Properties Random distribution in the sky Approx. 1 GRB per day observed No repeating GRB sources

5 BeppoSAX (1996 – 2003) Wide-field Camera and Narrow-Field Instrument (NFI; X-ray telescope) allowed localization of GRBs to arc-minute accuracy First identification of X-ray and optical afterglows of  -ray bursts in 1997

6 Afterglows of GRBs Most GRBs have gradually decaying afterglows in X-rays, some also in optical and radio. X-ray afterglow of GRB 970228 (GRBs are named by their date: Feb. 28, 1997) On the day of the GRB3 days after the GRB

7 Optical afterglow of GRB 990510 (May 10, 1999) Optical afterglows of GRBs are extremely difficult to localize: Very faint (~ 18 – 20 mag.); decaying within a few days. 1 day after GRB2 days after GRB

8 Optical Afterglows of GRBs Optical afterglow of GRB 990123, observed with Hubble Space Telescope (HST/STIS) Long GRBs are often found in the spiral arms (star forming regions!) of very faint host galaxies Host Galaxy Optical Afterglow

9 Energy Output of GRBs Observed brightness combined with large distance implies huge energy output of GRBs, if they are emitting isotropically: E ~ 10 54 erg L ~ 10 51 erg/s Energy equivalent to the entire mass of the sun (E = mc 2 ), converted into gamma-rays in just a few seconds! … another one, observed by us with the MDM 1.3 m telescope on Kitt Peak!

10 Beaming Evidence that GRBs are not emitting isotropically (i.e. with the same intensity in all directions), but they are beamed: E.g., achromatic breaks in afterglow light curves. GRB 990510

11 Models of GRBs (I) Hypernova: There’s no consensus about what causes GRBs. Several models have been suggested, e.g.: Supernova explosion of a very massive (> 25 M sun ) star Iron core collapse forming a black hole; Material from the outer shells accreting onto the black hole Accretion disk => Jets => GRB! GRB!

12 Models of GRBs (II) Supranova: If a neutron star is rotating extremely rapidly, it could escape collapse (for a few months) due to centrifugal forces. Neutron star will gradually lose angular momentum, then collapse into a black hole => collapse triggers the GRB

13 Results of the BeppoSAX Era During the BeppoSAX era, X-ray, optical, radio afterglows were only found for long GRBs. In afterglows and host galaxies, redshifts, clustered around ~ 1, were measured; unambiguously established the cosmological origin of GRBs. Association with star-forming region, similarities of some optical light curves and spectra with type Ic supernovae provided strong support for hypernova/collapsar model for long GRBs

14 Swift (launched 2004) Localization of the first short GRBs; Some with significant offsets from host galaxies, favoring binary-compact- object merger models: Dedicated GRB misssion with on-board soft  -ray, X-ray, and optical telescopes; Rapid automated localization and electronic distribution of GRBs with arc-second precision

15 Models of GRBs (II) Black-hole – neutron-star merger: Black hole and neutron star (or 2 neutron stars) orbiting each other in a binary system Neutron star will be destroyed by tidal effects; neutron star matter accretes onto black hole => Accretion disk => Jets => GRB! Model works probably only for short GRBs.

16 Most successful model:

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