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From Lambda Calculus to LISP Functional Programming Academic Year 2005-2006 Alessandro Cimatti

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1 From Lambda Calculus to LISP Functional Programming Academic Year 2005-2006 Alessandro Cimatti

2 The LISP Language Proposed by John McCarthy in the late 1950s Based on Lambda Calculus Key concepts –Interpreted language –Dynamic data structures –LISP Procedures as LISP data Basic notions –primitive expressions –combination of simple into compound expressions –abstraction, compound objects are named and manipulated as units

3 LISP Expressions > 486 486 > (+ 137 394) 531 > (- 1000 334) 666 > (* 5 99) 495 > (/ 10 5) 2 > (/ 10 6) 1.666667 > (+ 2.7 10) 12.7 > (+ 21 35 12 7) 75 > (* 25 4 12) 1200 The operator is always the leftmost element Parentheses rule out ambiguities

4 LISP Expressions > (+ (* 3 5) (- 10 6)) 19 > (+ (* 3 (+ (* 2 4) (+ 3 5))) (+ (- 10 7) 6)) 33

5 Naming the Environment > (setq size 2) 2 > (setq pi 3.14159) 3.14159 > (* pi (* radius radius)) 314.519 > (setq circumference (* 2 pi radius)) 62.8318

6 Evaluating Combinations > (* (+ 2 (* 4 6)) (+ 3 5 7)) ; (* (+ 2 24 ) (+ 3 5 7)) ; (* (+ 2 24 ) 15 ) ; (* 26 15 ) 390 Any evaluation order is ok (in this simple example)

7 Evaluating Combinations > (* (+ 2 (* 4 6)) (+ 3 5 7)) 390 15 24 + 26 64* 357+2 *

8 Compound Functions > (defun square (x) (* x x)) square > (square 21) 441 > (square (+ 2 5)) 49 > (square (square 3)) 81 > (defun ( ) )

9 Compound Functions > (defun sum-of-squares (x y) (+ (square x) (square y))) sum-of-squares > (sum-of-squares 3 4) 25 > (defun f (a) (sum-of-squares (+ a 1) (* a 2))) f > (f 5) 136

10 Procedure Application > (f 5) ((λ a.(sum-of-squares (+ a 1) (* a 2)) 5) (sum-of-squares (+ 5 1) (* 5 2)) (sum-of-squares 6 10 ) ((λ x y.(+ (square x) (square y))) 6 10) (+ (square 6) (square 10)) (+ ((λ x.(* x x)) 6) ((λ x.(* x x)) 10)) (+ (* 6 6) (* 10 10)) (+ 36 100) 136

11 Procedure Application > (f 5) (sum-of-squares (+ 5 1) (* 5 2)) (+ (square (+ 5 1)) (square (* 5 2))) (+ (* (+ 5 1) (+ 5 1)) (* (* 5 2) (* 5 2))) (+ (* 6 6 ) (* 10 10)) (+ 36 100) 136 The result is the same, but the evaluation process is different! Notice that (+ 5 1) and (* 5 2) are evaluated twice.

12 Reduction Methods Normal-order evaluation –fully expand body, and then reduce Applicative-order evaluation –evaluate the arguments and then apply –additional efficiency, reduced evaluations More to come…

13 Conditional Expressions > (defun abs (x) (cond ((> x 0) x) ((= x 0) 0) ((< x 0) (- x)))) abs > (defun abs (x) (cond ((< x 0) (- x)) (else x))) abs > (defun abs (x) (if (< x 0) (- x) x)) abs

14 Conditional Expressions > (cond ( ) ( )... ( )) > (if )

15 Logical Operators > (and... ) > (or... ) > (not ) > (and (> x 5) (< x 10)) > (defun >= (x y) (or (= x y) (> x y))) > (defun >= (x y) (not (< x y))

16 Exercise Define a procedure that takes three numbers as arguments and returns the sum of the squares of the two larger numbers

17 A Solution > (defun sos-greatest (x y z) (cond ((and (< x y) (< x z)) (sum-of-squares y z)) ((and (< y x) (< y z)) (sum-of-squares x z)) (else (sum-of-squares x y)))))

18 Recursion > (defun factorial (n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1)))) factorial > (factorial 6) (* 6 (factorial 5)) (* 6 (* 5 (factorial 4))) (* 6 (* 5 (* 4 (factorial 3)))) (* 6 (* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (factorial 2))))) (* 6 (* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 (factorial 1)))))) (* 6 (* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 1))))) (* 6 (* 5 (* 4 (* 3 2)))) (* 6 (* 5 (* 4 6))) (* 6 (* 5 24)) (* 6 120) 720

19 Recursion > (defun factorial (n) (f-iter 1 1 n)) factorial > (defun f-iter (res cnt max) (if (> cnt max) res (f-iter (* cnt res) (+ cnt 1) max))) f-iter

20 Recursion > (factorial 6) (f-iter 1 1 6) (f-iter 1 2 6) (f-iter 2 3 6) (f-iter 6 4 6) (f-iter 24 5 6) (f-iter 120 6 6) (f-iter 720 7 6) 720

21 Comparison Linear recursive Stack needed Conceptually simpler Iterative Does not need stack State is finite Powerful compilation technique

22 Fibonacci Numbers The sequence of Fibonacci –Fib(n) = 0 if n = 0, else –Fib(n) = 1 if n = 1, else –Fib(n) = Fib(n – 1) + Fib(n – 2) 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,... > (defun fib (n) (cond ((= n 0) 0) ((= n 1) 1) (else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))) fib

23 Fibonacci: Computation > (fib 5) (+ (fib 4) (fib 3)) (+ (fib 4) (+ (fib 2) (fib 1))) (+ (fib 4) (+ (+ (fib 1)(fib 0)) 1)) (+ (fib 4) (+ (+ 1 0) 1)) (+ (+ (fib 3) (fib 2)) 2)...... (+ (+ (fib 3) (+ (fib 1) (fib 0))) 2)...... (+ (+ (fib 3) (+ 1 0)) 2) (+ (+ 2 1) 2) 5

24 Exercise Tree recursion –Can be very expensive Can we define linear iteration for Fibonacci numbers? Hint –identify the state: we need only the two previous values of the series, say a an b –Initially, a is 1 and b is 0 –At each step, a becomes a + b b becomes a a 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,... b 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,...

25 Linear Iteration for Fibonacci > (defun fib (n) (fib-iter 1 0 n)) fib > (defun fib-iter (a b cnt) (if (= cnt 0) b (fib-iter (+ a b) a (- cnt 1)))) fib-iter

26 Exercise Exponentiation –b n = 1, if n = 0 –b n = b * b n-1, otherwise Exponentiation in LISP –using linear recursion –using linear iteration

27 Exponentiation > (defun expt (b n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* b (expt b (- n 1))))) expt

28 Iterative Exponentiation > (defun expt (b n) (expt-iter b n 1) expt > (defun expt-iter (b cnt res) (if (= cnt 0) res (expt-iter b (- cnt 1) (* b res)))) expt-iter

29 Iterative Squaring We have seen –linear recursion –linear iteration Can we do better? –E.g. use only a logarithmic number of steps? Exponentiation also follows these rules –b 2n = (b n ) 2 –b 2n+1 = b * b 2n

30 Iterative Squaring > (defun fast-exp (b n) (cond ((= n 0) 1) ((even? n) (square (fast-exp b (/ n 2))) (else (* b (fast-exp b (- n 1))))) fast-exp

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