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TWR Kenya Retreat... 2014 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus (1) Matthew 6:5-13.

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Presentation on theme: "TWR Kenya Retreat... 2014 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus (1) Matthew 6:5-13."— Presentation transcript:

1 TWR Kenya Retreat... 2014 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus (1) Matthew 6:5-13

2 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

3 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus our Great High Priest prayer is ‘the Christian’s vital breath’ talking to and with Jesus the Lord Jesus practised what he preached Jesus never prayed it ‘ … the pulse of life’

4 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus Isaac Newton’s testimony a can-do God for some, prayer is about as exciting as changing a flat tyre on the road to Mombasa Corrie ten Boom: ‘When a Christian stops praying, the devil shouts for joy.’

5 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus we’re too busy if we don’t have time to wait on God some people pray just to pray, and some pray to know God don’t follow hypocrites don’t be like the heathen the Lord answers prayer

6 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus amazing things really happen when people pray we tap into God’s power God of the secret place an insider’s view on who God is and who we are ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ a model prayer

7 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus less than 70 words God – man – God he has everything … we have nothing God’s answers are wiser than our prayers comparable to a road map covers every relationship

8 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus a family prayer with an international feel to it praying the Jesus way it answers the question: does Jesus care? we walk through the vale of tears as we wend our way to the throne of God

9 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus the Nike philosophy … just do it life is complicated enough … let’s keep prayer simple

10 Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus

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