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L1 Greetings 問好 ! Wen hao !. 你好 (n ǐ h ǎ o ) Hi; hello, hola.

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Presentation on theme: "L1 Greetings 問好 ! Wen hao !. 你好 (n ǐ h ǎ o ) Hi; hello, hola."— Presentation transcript:

1 L1 Greetings 問好 ! Wen hao !

2 你好 (n ǐ h ǎ o ) Hi; hello, hola

3 你 (n ǐ ) you

4 好 (h ǎ o) good

5 我叫陳老師 Wǒ jiào chén lǎoshī

6 我 (w ǒ ) I;me

7 叫 (jiào) to be called; to call

8 你呢 Nǐ ne How about you? And you?

9 謝謝 Xièxiè Thanks!

10 不客氣 Bù kèqì

11 你好嗎 Nǐ hǎo ma How are you?

12 嗎 ? (ma) question tag for Yes/No questions

13 很好 Hěn hǎo Very good!

14 我很好 Wǒ Hěn hǎo I am very good!

15 再見 Zàijiàn Good bye!

16 你叫 Jonny 嗎?

17 什麼 ? (shén me) what ?

18 名字 (míng zi) name

19 是 (shì) to be, am/is/are/was/were Yes, right!

20 不 (bú,bù) no; not

21 不是 ( bú shì) is/am/are/was/were NOT

22 也 (yě) also; too

23 很高興 hen gao xing Very glad to; happy

24 認識 ren shi Know; recognize; admit

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