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Hypertext Markup Language.  Developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990  Stands for HyperText Markup Languange  A format that tells a computer how to display.

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Presentation on theme: "Hypertext Markup Language.  Developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990  Stands for HyperText Markup Languange  A format that tells a computer how to display."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hypertext Markup Language

2  Developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990  Stands for HyperText Markup Languange  A format that tells a computer how to display a web page.  Plain text files (ASCII) with special "tags" or codes that a web browser knows how to interpret and display on your screen.

3  HTML editor – where you type in/edit your HTML codes ◦ Notepad – recommended for beginners ◦ SimpleText – default text editor of Mac ◦ Arachnophilia (freeware) ◦ Macromedia|Adobe Dreamweaver (licensed) ◦ Microsoft Frontpage Editor (licensed)

4  Web browser – where you view your web page ◦ Internet Explorer ◦ Mozilla Firefox ◦ Opera

5  Building blocks of HTML  Controls the layout and formatting of the elements in HTML  The general format for an HTML tag is: string of text

6  When a web browser displays a page, it reads an HTML file; then it looks for special codes or "tags" that are marked by the signs.  To make a closing tag just add a / (backslash) to the starting tag.  Note: Most, but not all tags have a closing tag.

7  PARTS OF HTML TAG HTML SERIES 10 TAG ATTRIBUTE TEXT CLOSING TAG Note: Make sure to start with and end with.

8  The required elements in every HTML file are the following tags: o Note: HTML is not case sensitive. So either, or is okay.

9  The HTML tag defines an HTML document.  Identifies the first part of your HTML-coded document that contains the title.

10  Typically displayed in the title bar at the top of the browser window, but not inside the window itself.  Defines the title of an HTML document.  Introduces the body of the document  Contains the content of your document

11  An HTML document that defines the format and structure of the document.  Highlights important topics and the nature of the document. Syntax: - start of heading - end of heading Where: # is a number from 1 to 6

12  ALIGN – changes the alignment of the headings Values: o LEFT o RIGHT o CENTER o JUSTIFY EX: Heading 1

13  TITLE – enables the user to include advisory text that is displayed when a user places the mouse pointer over the heading Example: Heading 1

14  Used to introduce any line breaks - place where the line break is to be inserted

15  Define how text should be displayed on the browser  Control the physical characteristics of the text  There are 10 physical tags in HTML o ITALIC – formats text to italic Example: Italic Result: Italic

16 o BOLD – formats the text to bold Example: Bold Result: Bold o UNDERLINE – underlines the text Example: Underlined Result: Underlined o STRIKETHROUGH – strikes through the text Example: Stuck Result: Struck

17 o SUPERSCRIPT – superscripts the text Example: Subscripted Result: Superscripted o SUBSCRIPT – subscripts the text Example: Subscripted Result: Subscripted o TYPEWRITER – uses typewriter font as text font Example: Typewriter Result: Typewriter

18 o BIG – uses bigger font size Example: Big Result: Big o SMALL – uses smaller font size Example: Small Result: Small

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