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Coaching one-to-one with Charan Sarai Practice Management Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching one-to-one with Charan Sarai Practice Management Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching one-to-one with Charan Sarai Practice Management Advisor

2 Coaching Introduction Good employee communication is crucial for the organisation and also for the retention of the employees Make sure that through major change the employees are on the same page Important information can be miscommunicated and this in turn can lead to the employee feeling lost


4 What do employees want? 1 They want to be engaged and challenged 2 Studies show that some companies have gained more from an on going series of regular coaching sessions 3 One-to-ones form a good platform for communication for both parties 4 Employees have the opportunity to share their input

5 How to prepare a one-to-one coaching session

6 Remember your role is to coach The session revolves around the employee Safe environment is key Remember to follow up, don’t under estimate the power in this Employees can become discouraged to share their inputs if nothing is done about what they share

7 Best Practice Share with the employee in advance the topic of the session They will feel less threatened and it gives purpose to the meeting One-on-ones are driven by the employee, with an agenda which allows them to prepare Encouragement should be given to each employee

8 Traditionally Managers are the one who initiates the one-on-one i.e. schedule the meeting, listen to the employees and record the notes of the meeting.

9 The New Way EMPOWER the employee by them the opportunity to be giving them the opportunity to be proactive when it comes to receiving coaching and sharing feedback.

10 Steps for the manager 1 Prepare set of questions that they will go through during the one-to-ones 2 Create framework related to the topic of the session and share the agenda with the employee in advance, thus reducing stress and tension 3 Give opportunities for employees to share their perspectives 4 Focus conversations on the FUTURE 5 Remember both employees and managers have busy schedules 6 Both do not want to lose the communication opportunity to share their insights and provide feedback that can benefit the organisation 7 Decide which is the best method of preparing their notes

11 Top tips for managers Remember to LISTEN The session is not a platform for a moan or gossip Focus on what you can control Be open about concerns which may be regarding external factors such as resources or team members in a respectful way

12 Top tips for employees Use the opportunity to share with managers Do this with an agenda prepared This gives time for the manager to do some research if needed Employees should not come in with a request that is not detailed on the agenda

13 Communication Communication is on going and it is the manager’s responsibility and not restricted for individual performance reviews Share information top down and bottom up, so each have a voice This encourages the employee to be committed to the organisation and engage

14 Thank you for watching! We are now offering a specialist one-on-one coaching service for primary care staff. Designed to suit the individual’s needs these sessions will be held by our practice management advisors and HR consultant. If you would like to find out more information email

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