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Methods of Cancer Treatment

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1 Methods of Cancer Treatment
If anyone has problems with this topic let Miss. Mismash or me know. OBJECTIVE: Explain how cancer treatments are related to unique attributes and behaviors of cancer cells.

2 US Teen Invents Advanced Cancer Test Using Google
Jack Andraka created a pancreatic cancer test that is faster and cheaper than other test. He won a $75,000 for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Here is an interview with him. 3minutes

3 3 Main Types of Cancer Treatment
Chemotherapy Radiation Surgery

4 How Does Chemotherapy Work?
Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to target cells that are dividing. It is given in cycles Either solo or with a combination of drugs and/or surgery

5 How Does Chemotherapy Work?
3 main types of chemo Injection, Intravenous (IV), Pill Treatment can continue as long as the cancer is present and not growing Otherwise a new treatment plan is considered

6 Goals of Chemotherapy:
Cure cancer Control it: Stop from spreading, slow growth, kill cells Reduce symptoms: help with pain Video Video: What are some side effects of chemo? Why does chemo attack healthy cells? What do the side effects have to do with cells? 3:00

7 How Does Radiation Therapy Work?
High energy radiation focused to shrink tumors. X-rays, Gamma Rays, and Charged particles Damages cancer cells DNA. Video Damage DNA beyond repair = cell stops dividing. 11:00

8 Radiation Types Internal Radioactive sources inside body
Temporary or permanently in body External radiation Most common type of radiation Inside machine, focused at specific part

9 Radiation Side Effects
Depends on location of tumor Skin problems at site Fatigue Nausea Small chance of developing a new cancer Infertility

10 Surgery Preventative and diagnositc surgeries Colonoscopies (polyps)
Mastecomies Mole removals To see which stage cancer has progressed to To cure Reduce size or discomfort

11 Other ways to treat cancer
There are many other types of cancer treatments including Targeted therapy Immunotherapy Hyperthermia (use of heat) Stem Cell Transplant Photodynamic Therapy (drugs and light) Blood transfusions

12 What’s Next? NOW! You are going to read about some newer ideas about cancer treatment and prevention There are 4 articles on the wiki page You will be assigned to read 1 article and take notes This needs to be completed by tomorrow to be able to do part 2 of jigsaw!

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