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How to use 5 million marketing game 4a0k0071 吳志瑋 4a0k0073 陳泓錩 4a0k0092 林秉立 49812117 楊少弘 指導老師 : 張明裕.

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Presentation on theme: "How to use 5 million marketing game 4a0k0071 吳志瑋 4a0k0073 陳泓錩 4a0k0092 林秉立 49812117 楊少弘 指導老師 : 張明裕."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to use 5 million marketing game 4a0k0071 吳志瑋 4a0k0073 陳泓錩 4a0k0092 林秉立 49812117 楊少弘 指導老師 : 張明裕

2 About the game  Gametype: : puzzle game  Game Platform : Mobile device 、 Smartphone  Game age : 15~34 age

3 On TV Ads Large-scale promotional activities On Live primary On FB Ads Publishing line illustration Age groups 15~34 15~24over1515~34 Attract persons (people) 120 thousand/ day 80 thousand/ once 8 thousand/ day 140 thousand up/day 150 thousand up/day Main marketing strategy

4 On TV Ads 在電視上做廣告 Cost 2 million dollars. We chose the 中天綜合台 - 康熙來了 to this time, most of this time to watch TV as well as college students who are teenagers, it can help us to attract what we want to attract ethnic.

5 Large-scale promotional activities 利用大型活動宣傳遊戲 Cost 1million dollars. Most of the people visiting the exhibition games are teenagers or college students, will help us to attract more people playing.

6 On Live primary 請實況主玩遊戲 Cost 80 thousand dollars. Watch live people and college students are mostly young people, it is also in line with our main game age.

7 On FB Ads 在 FB 上做廣告 Cost 20 thousand dollars. Although age 00 is very wide community site, but many users, it can help us to attract more people.

8 Publishing line illustration 出版 LINE 貼圖 Cost 20 thousand dollars. Most people are using LINE maps teenagers and college students, in line with our game ages, so choose LINE illustration.

9 Why we chooes Mobile device 、 Smartphone?

10 Why we chooes the group of age?

11 On the bus Ads 公車看板 Cost 500 thousand dollars. Other marketing stratagy On the banner 廣告看板 Cost 500 thousand dollars. On the cookie package 在食品包裝上做廣告 Cost 400 thousand dollars.

12 Little-known artists on FB po files 小咖藝人在 FB po 文 Cost 250 thousand dollars. On any games forum 各大遊戲論壇 Cost 230 thousand dollars.

13 Cost (NT) On TV Ads2 million Large-scale promotional activities1million On Live primary80 thousand On FB Ads20 thousand Publishing line illustration20 thousand On the bus Ads500 thousand On the banner500 thousand On the cookie package400 thousand Little-known artists on FB po files250 thousand On any games forum230 thousand Total:5million

14 Literature       

15 Thank you for your listen!!!

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