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Amendment to 704 KAR 3:305. » DEFINED A student meeting the performance criteria AND doing so in three years or less of high school and before the age.

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Presentation on theme: "Amendment to 704 KAR 3:305. » DEFINED A student meeting the performance criteria AND doing so in three years or less of high school and before the age."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amendment to 704 KAR 3:305

2 » DEFINED A student meeting the performance criteria AND doing so in three years or less of high school and before the age of 18. » CRITERIA ˃Meet proficiency benchmarks on KBE required end-of- course exams (ENG II, ALG II, BIOLOGY, US HISTORY) ˃Meet CPE-ACT defined college readiness benchmarks (English = 18, Reading = 20, Mathematics = 19)

3 AM I READY FOR EARLY GRADUATION? This regulation is targeted for students who have shown high achievement, accelerated levels of academic success and express a desire to complete high school early in three years or less. Our school will have screening criteria and data to aid students and parents in the decision-making process; however the decision is ultimately up to the student and their family. Students who have been in high school more than three years at the time they apply ARE NOT ELIGIBLE.

4 AM I READY FOR EARLY GRADUATION? The Letter of Intent requires student, parent/guardian, principal and superintendent signatures to be considered complete. Early Graduation participants and families are recommended to have an initial meeting with counselors to determine the likelihood of success. After starting the program, students, parents and counselors meet regularly to assess progress. Full use of the ILP is also recommended by the regulation. Difficulty in meeting any of the criteria would be an indication the student is not ready for college level work.

5 Questions for Parents 1. Is your student emotionally mature enough to work independently? 2. Is the student socially immature and would mind being in classes with students that are older? 3. Is the student one who has a plan for the future? 4. Does the student want to stay in high school to complete four years of activities, sports or competitions? 5. Would the student benefit from taking advanced level, AP, IB or dual credit courses-gaining college credit while remaining in the high school environment? 6. Are you ready financially to send a student to college as a sophomore or junior? 7. Are there scholarships, academic opportunities or events in the high school that the student would benefit from by staying four years? 8. Are there opportunities for athletic scholarships or extra playing time if a student stays in high school four years? 9. Does the student have a career track that they can add onto their college readiness by staying four years?

6 » Meet proficiency benchmarks on Kentucky required end-of-course exams ˃Currently those classes are ENGLISH II, ALGEBRA II, BIOLOGY, US HISTORY » Students in the Early Graduation pathway DO NOT have to meet the minimum 22 credits; the regulation waives those requirements for this pathway. » Students in Early Graduation do not have to take English 4 or any courses other than the four outlined above. Sample district pathways have been provided as suggestions only- each district and student will be unique.

7 Meet Council of Post-Secondary Education (CPE) defined college readiness benchmarks on THE ACT ONLY  Current benchmarks for the ACT as set by CPE in 13 KAR 2:020. o ACT (English = 18, Reading = 20, Mathematics = 19)  Most definitions of college readiness include a predictive statement about how well students will do in relevant courses based on national assessments, such as the ACT or SAT. “Success” is defined by ACT as 50 percent or higher probability of a student earning a B or higher in the corresponding college course or courses and 75 percent or higher probability of earning a C or higher in the corresponding college course or courses.  Meeting Early Graduation does not ensure acceptance to a two or four year post- secondary institution. Students, along with families and counselors are encouraged to have preliminary talks, BEFORE ENTERING EARLY GRADUATION with the admissions counselors at the institutions of their choice to determine all pre-admission requirements for acceptance.

8 Identification of Early Graduate participants Signed Letter of Intent is placed in the student’s Cummulative Folder and the student is flagged in Infinite Campus as being in an accelerated program Students must take the online Student Success Survey. Student Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) is used to review and update the student plan on a regular schedule. Notes from regularly scheduled counseling meetings including family and student are recorded to ensure progress on Early Graduation pathway. Student End of Course exam and ACT exam results should be included in the Intent form as they occur to serve as a record of all student scores in one location.

9 » Early Graduation Certificate » One-time scholarship award to be used at a SACS accredited Kentucky 2-/4-year public or non-profit institution (around $1,900) » Four years of (Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship) KEES if graduated after three years of high school. » Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) calculates the KEES based on four years of high school attendance

10 Recommended traits for success This is an alternative and accelerated pathway – not intended for all students » Student and family: ˃Discuss and be aware of financial incentives and possible obstacles ˃Be prepared for non- traditional accelerated pathway » Student and school: ˃Alter schedules and accepted routines to complete pathway

11 Reasons for Exiting Early Graduation

12 Please feel free to contact Kelly Bell,Dawn Harbison, or Kelly Stephens for more information. Also, you may contact me, Bennie Stephens @ (270)432-3171 or for more information. Remember, if your child is interested, it is your responsibility to communicate this to the principal and guidance office within 30 days of the first day of the new academic school year.

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