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NAPOLEON BONAPARTE Ch. 11 Section 3. Napoleon is as important to the French as George Washington is to Americans – He is seen as the savior of France.

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Presentation on theme: "NAPOLEON BONAPARTE Ch. 11 Section 3. Napoleon is as important to the French as George Washington is to Americans – He is seen as the savior of France."— Presentation transcript:


2 Napoleon is as important to the French as George Washington is to Americans – He is seen as the savior of France – He ruled France from 1799-1815 He names himself Emperor – He puts in place Enlightenment ideas and makes the country more democratic

3 Rise to Power Born in Corsica in 1769 Received a royal scholarship to study in a military school in France He rose quickly in the ranks of the French army – He won the support of his men w/ his energy, charm, ability to make decisions, keen intelligence, ease w/ words, and supreme confidence in himself 1799 – he took control of France at 30 years old – He was first consul and had total control of the govt. – 1802 he was named consul for life – 1804 he named himself Emperor Napoleon I

4 Making Religious Peace Napoleon was not a religious man, but he claimed to be Catholic while in France – A large majority of the population was Catholic 1801 – an agreement b/w the Napoleon and the Pope – Napoleon recognized Catholicism as the majority religion in France – In return, the pope agreed not to ask for the return of the church lands seized in the revolution The Catholic Church was no longer an enemy of the French govt.

5 Codification of the Laws His most famous domestic achievement – This was a single law code for the entire nation The most important code was the Civil Code (also called the Napoleonic Code) – This code recognized… The equality of all citizens b/f the law Gave jobs based on skill, not class Religious toleration Abolition of serfdom and feudalism

6 No Equality for Women The revolution made divorce easy for both men and women and allowed daughters to inherit property – The Civil Code undid these laws The Civil Code… – Made it more difficult for women to divorce – Women were now less equal than men – When women married lost their property to their husbands – Women were treated as minors in lawsuits and regarded as less reliable than a man’s testimony

7 Napoleon’s Accomplishments What did he do for France? – Controlled govt. spending to fix deficit – Encourage people to start business Put money into the economy – Built schools – Built roads and canals for trade – Encouraged religious freedom – Brought peace b/w the classes – Awarded jobs based on skill, not class – Enlarged the borders of France – Was a working leader – ruler and general

8 Napoleon’s Empire 1807-1812 Napoleon was the master of Europe His Grand Empire had 3 parts – French Empire – inner core of the Grand Empire Enlarged France to the Rhine River and into Italy – Dependent States – kingdoms under the rule of Napoleon’s relatives Spain, Holland, Italy, union of all German states except Austria and Prussia – Allied States – defeated by Napoleon and forced to join him against Britain Prussia, Austria, Russia, Sweden

9 Making the World France Napoleon tried to destroy the old order in the inner core and the dependent states – He did this by… The nobility and clergy losing their privileges Opportunities were based on skill, not class Everyone equal b/f the law Religious tolerance Napoleon tried to make the world France by forcing them to surrender to his rule – He tried to take away their culture and make them like the French

10 Napoleon’s Empire Fails The French Empire failed for 2 reasons… – Britain – Napoleon was never able to defeat Britain – Nationalism – unique cultural identity of a nation based on common language, religion, and national traditions By spreading French Revolution principles he aroused nationalism in the countries he conquered – His hatred of anything not French stirred the patriotism of others in opposition to France – The French were an inspiration to others what nationalism was and what a nation in arms could do

11 Beginning of the End 1812 – Napoleon invades Russia – they were refusing to go along w/ Napoleon’s demands any longer – Napoleon’s army of over 600,000 men entered Russia – Russians retreated into their country burning villages as they went To keep Napoleon’s army from finding food – W/o food and supplies Napoleon was forced to retreat in terrible winter conditions Only 40,000 of the 600,000 made it out of Russia alive

12 Napoleon’s First Exile The disaster in Russia led other European countries to rise up against Napoleon – Paris was captured in March 1814 – Napoleon was sent into exile on the island of Elba – The monarchy was restored to France with Louis XVIII (brother of Louis XVI)

13 Napoleon Regains Power Louis XVIII had little support in France Napoleon slipped back into France to regain control – Troops were sent to capture him – Those troops ended up fighting for him Napoleon made it to Paris and regained control in March 1815 – Napoleon then moved to attack the nearest forces that were against him in Belgium

14 The Final Defeat June 1815 – at Waterloo in Belgium – Napoleon met a combined British and Prussian army and he suffered a bloody defeat After this final defeat, Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena – A small island near Africa in the South Atlantic – Napoleon never returned to France – He died 6 years later on St. Helena

15 Images of Napoleon Napoleon in his early days of power (note: hand in coat & modest clothing)

16 Napoleon at the height of power (note: robes & symbols of power)

17 Quotes of Napoleon 1. A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights. 2. Even when I am gone, I shall remain in the people’s minds as the star of their rights; my name will be the war cry of their efforts, the motto of their hopes. 3. Men are more easily governed through their vices than through their virtues. 4. I know when it is necessary to leave the skin of a lion and take one of the fox. 5. If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything & deliver nothing.

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