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Ma routine Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French. Les mots clés: Je me réveille à – I wake up at Je quitte la maison à – I leave.

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Presentation on theme: "Ma routine Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French. Les mots clés: Je me réveille à – I wake up at Je quitte la maison à – I leave."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ma routine Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French. Les mots clés: Je me réveille à – I wake up at Je quitte la maison à – I leave home at Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

2 Ma routine Je me réveille. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

3 Ma routine Je me lève. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

4 Ma routine Je me lave. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

5 Ma routine Je me douche. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

6 Ma routine Je me brosse les dents. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

7 Ma routine Je me brosse les cheveux. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

8 Ma routine Je m’habille. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

9 Ma routine Je prends mon petit déjeuner. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

10 Ma routine Je quitte la maison. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

11 Ma routine J’arrive au collège. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

12 Ma routine Je me couche. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

13 Ma routine Je me réveille. Je me lève. Je me lave. Je me douche. Je me brosse les dents. Je me brosse les cheveux. Je m’habille. Je prends mon petit déjeuner. Je quitte la maison. J’arrive au collège. Je me couche. I have a shower I dress myself I brush my hair I wake up I leave home I have my breakfast I wash myself I arrive at school I get up I brush my teeth I go to bed Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

14 Ma routine Je me réveille. Je me lève. Je me lave. Je me douche. Je me brosse les dents. Je me brosse les cheveux. Je m’habille. Je prends mon petit déjeuner. Je quitte la maison. J’arrive au collège. Je me couche. I wake up. I get up. I wash myself. I have a shower. I brush my teeth. I brush my hair. I get dressed. I have my breakfast I leave home I arrive at school I go to bed. Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

15 Tu te réveilles à quelle heure? À sept heures À sept heures quinze À sept heures trente Saturday, 13 February 2016 Objectif: To be able to learn about my daily routine in French.

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