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 Nigeria is very multi ethnic and is home to over 250 ethnic groups who have different languages, customs, beliefs, and traditions  Its largest ethnic.

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3  Nigeria is very multi ethnic and is home to over 250 ethnic groups who have different languages, customs, beliefs, and traditions  Its largest ethnic group is the Hausa-Fulani and they live in the Northeast  Second largest group the Yoruba in the southwest  Third largest group is the Igbo in the Southeast

4  The Fulani in the early 1800s took over northen Nigeria which was controlled by the Hausa people.  Instead of taking over completely they adopted many cultures and customs and became very peaceful  Together they became known as the Hausa- Fulani


6  Historically the most urban ethnic group in Nigeria, They were known for their ability to build large cities  Each city had its own king and held large populations of people under the king  They were very skilled traders and artisans  As time went on they moved to the country side and took up farming focusing on the cacao crop  They live in large compound with extended family and share nearly all parts of the home

7  Traditionally a rural people they live in small villages based on farming  They all work together to help one another  Each village is ruled by a group of elders who work with the people to fix all village problems  As time changed they moved to cities in search of new jobs but have always remained close and supportive of each other

8  For many years Nigeria was ruled by many different African people who formed their own government  Soon though The Europeans began trading here and slowly moved in. By 1914 Britain had fully taken over the area  By 1960 they finally gained independence and it forced all the ethnic groups to learn to live with each other

9  To unite the country they moved the capital from Lagos in the South to Abuja which is more centrally located which connects the whole country and its ethnic groups

10  Unifying the country was difficult due to many different languages, locations of jobs, customs etc..  By 1966 a military group took over leadership and a civil war broke out. (nobody likes being under military control)  The Igbo tried to separate and make their own country but thousands were dying trying to do this so they retreated and gave in.


12  A key source to tension here was the many religions but especially that the area was primarily Islam and the Europeans brought Catholics and Christians with them thus causing a clash of religion  This does make them rich in culture but also can cause problems like culture clash

13  Wealthy oil is good and bad for the region  It brings money to the areas with oil but most oil companies are run by foreign countries so it doesn’t do as much for the country  What can this cause??

14  Since its independence they have had a hard time uniting the country of Nigeria  Once military powers left power the country held its first democratic election in 15 years

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