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Chem 551 :Instrumental Methods of Analysis Ralph Allen.

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2 Chem 551 :Instrumental Methods of Analysis Ralph Allen

3 Instrumental Analysis There is much more than the Instrument You are the analyst

4 Why are you taking this class? What do you want to learn? What analytical techniques do you want to study?

5 ( ~roa2s/chem_551/home.html).

6 Get help on the web ä ~enhealth

7 You don’t need a course to tell you how to run an instrument ä They are all different and change ä Most of you won’t be analysts ä We will talk about experimental design ä Learn about the choices available and the basics of techniques

8 Analytical Chemistry ä art of recognizing different substances & determining their constituents, takes a prominent position among the applications of science, since the questions it enables us to answer arise wherever chemical processes are present. ä 1894 Wilhelm Ostwald

9 Questions to ask??? ä Why? Is sample representative ä What is host matrix? ä Impurities to be measured and approximate concentrations ä Range of quantities expected ä Precision & accuracy required

10 More things to ask…. ä Where is analysis to be conducted ä How many samples (per day & total) ä How soon are results needed ä Are there standards (analytical & QC) ä Long term reliability ä Form of answer required ä Special facilities available

11 The Analytical Approach ä Identify the problem….what do you want to know ä What instrumental methods can provide necessary results ä Which method is best ä What do the results mean

12 What you want to learn ä analytical process and skills ä tools for research ä solve practical problems ä medical uses (including DNA) ä how instruments work and general concepts ä environmental and forensic applications ä new advances

13 Techniques ä mass spectrometry ä NMR ä spectroscopy (UV, IR, AA) ä chromatography (GC, HPLC) ä measure radioactivity, crystallography, PCR, gas phase analysis

14 Off flavor cake mix (10%) ä Send it off for analysis ä Do simple extractions ä Separation and identification by GC/MS ä Over 100 peaks but problem was in a valley between peaks (compare) ä Iodocresol at ppt ä Eliminate iodized salt that reacted with food coloring (creosol=methyl phenol)

15 Pan Am 103 85% of the “Maid of the Sea” recovered 16,000 pieces of property recovered

16 Reason to understand how an instrument works ä What results can be obtained ä What kind of materials can be characterized ä Where can errors arise

17 Design of instrumentation to probe a material ä Signal Generation-sample excitation ä Input transducer-detection of analytical signal ä Signal modifier-separation of signals or amplification ä Output transducer-translation & interpretation

18 Characterization of Properties ä chemical state ä structure ä orientation ä interactions ä general properties

19 Molecular Methods ä macro Vs micro ä pure samples Vs mixtures ä qualitative Vs quantitative ä surface Vs bulk ä large molecules (polymers, biomolecules)

20 Molecular Spectroscopy IR, UV-Vis, MS, NMR ä What are interactions with radiation ä Means of excitation (light sources) ä Separation of signals (dispersion) ä Detection (heat, excitation, ionization) ä Interpretation (qualitative easier than quantitative)

21 Elemental Analysis ä bulk, micro, contamination (matrix) ä matrix effects ä qualitative Vs quantitative ä complete or specific element ä chemical state

22 Extreme trace elemental analysis ä Direct instrumental determination - multi- element - direct excitation---should be least expensive ä These are relative physical methods requiring appropriate standards & systematic errors like spectral interferences occur ä NAA, XRF, sputtered neutral MS

23 Extreme trace elemental analysis ä Multi-stage procedures --- sample separation and preparation before quantitation ä Standards are less of a problem ä Time consuming & subject to losses or contamination ä Chromatography coupled with analysis

24 Comparing Methods ä Detection limits ä Dynamic range ä Interferences ä Generality ä Simplicity

25 Your ideas ä cost ä sensitivity ä accuracy/precision ä time ä compatibility ä conditions ä availability

26 Statistics are no substitute for judgment ä Common sense put into a mathematical form ä Analysis of results - accuracy & precision ä Elimination of errors ä Detection limits - signal to noise ä Chemometrics - what do the results mean

27 There is a difference - you need both

28 Errors in Analytical Measurements ä Determinant - unidirectional errors ascribable to a definite cause ä Indeterminate - uncertainties from unknown or uncontrollable factors - generally random - noise

29 Systematic errors - sources ä Inhomogeneity - handling & storage ä Contamination - sampling to reagents ä Adsorption on surface or volatilization ä Unwanted or incomplete chemical reactions ä Matrix effects on generation of analytical signal ä Incorrect standards or calibration

30 Recognition of systematic errors ä Reproducibility gives NO information on accuracy (high std. dev. hints at problems) ä Make comparisons with other methods ä Check standard reference materials (available from NIST) ä Run blanks (be sure background is small and reproducible)

31 Errors in Analytical Measurements ä Determinant - unidirectional errors ascribable to a definite cause ä Indeterminate - uncertainties from unknown or uncontrollable factors - generally random - noise

32 Gaussian Distribution ä Random fluctuations ä Bell shaped curve ä Mean and standard deviation ä 1sigma 68.3%, 2sigma 95.5%, 3sigma 99.7% ä Absolute Vs Relative standard deviation ä Accuracy and its relationship to the measured mean

33 Limit of detection ä signal - output measured as difference between sample and blank (averages) ä noise - std dev of the fluctuations of the instrument output with a blank ä S/N = 3 for limit of detection ä S/N = 10 for limit of quantitation

34 Sources of Noise ä Environmental - 60 Hz electrical, vibrational (shield) ä Johnson (thermal) noise - random fluctuations in charge carriers (cool) ä Shot noise - pulses ä 1/f (flicker) noise - important at low frequencies

35 Noise Reduction ä Avoid (cool, shield, etc.) ä Electronically filter ä Average ä Mathematical smoothing ä Fourier transform

36 Single channel scanning ä 3 objects each measured 3 times (averaged to reduce noise) ä Balance requires 9 measurements ä Monochromator - broad band source to dispersive device and then wavelengths are selected one at a time ä Increase intensity by scanning slower or increasing bandpass

37 Multidetector Spectrometer ä Get 3 balances and measure all 3 samples simultaneously on separate balances ä Can make measurements in 1/3 time or measure 3 times as much (noise is random and proportional to square root of number of measurements) ä Use of diode arrays instead of slits

38 Signal Transformation ä Double pan balance - mesure multiple objects simultaneously & measure linear combinations ä y(1)=X(1) + X(2) ä y(2)=X(1) + X(3) ä y(3)=X(2) + X(3) ä 3 equations & 3 unknowns (each object measured twice in half the time)

39 Hadamard multiplexing (transform) ä Use one detector and replace the slit with a mask of slits at certain locations (n)- some are open & others closed (2n-1 slits in mask with just more than half open) ä For n=3 a mask of 11011 (1 is open) can be slid to give 110, 101, 011 ä Linear equations improve S/N

40 Fourier advantage ä Put all weights on 2 pan balance at the same time ä Change what is measured (not weights but angle of pointer showing difference in the 2 pans) ä Z(1)=X(1) + X(2) - X(3) ä Z(2)=X(1) - X(2) + X(3) ä Z(3)= -X(1) + X(2) + X(3)

41 h(t) = a cos 2 pi freq. x time ä sum = cos(2pi((f1+f2)/2)t ä beat or difference = cos(2pi((f1-f2)/2)t ä 5104-sine-wa

42 Fourier transform - beat frequency (time domain) ä We can sample the time domain at N equally spaced time intervals ä Represent each measurement in terms of a series of frequencies ä Decoding procedure to decode N algebraic equations ä Fourier transform requires a computer


44 An analytical checklist ä Have the analytical tasks and goals been defined? ä Have issues of sampling been defined?(eg. size, homogeneity, composites) ä Are there facilities for sample storage (custody) available and is there a means of identification and retreival)

45 Checklist 2 ä Is pretreatment (eg. extraction, dissolution) necessary? (facilities, equipment, reagents) ä Is the sample analyzed representative? (mixing, weighing, size) ä Are the instruments appropriate for the required measurements? (sensitivity, sample state)

46 Checklist 3 ä What is the time required for each analysis? ä What expertise is needed to prepare, analyze, and interpret? ä How is data captured, calculated, presented, and stored for future comparisons? ä Are there appropriate quality controls? ä Define time line for tasks and analysis and then calculate overall costs

47 Attenuated Internal Reflection ä Surface analysis ä Limited by 75% energy loss

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