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Presentation on theme: " Sandy Liang, Waupaca County UWEX Nancy Coffey, Eau Claire County UWEX Gail Peavey, Polk County UWEX AmeriCorps Training August."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sandy Liang, Waupaca County UWEX Nancy Coffey, Eau Claire County UWEX Gail Peavey, Polk County UWEX AmeriCorps Training August 20, 2014

2 Personal Reflection Recall the first experience you can remember regarding poverty. What emotion do you recall feeling at that time? What impact did that event have on you then? What do you think of that situation now? Have your feelings or perspectives changed?

3 What is Poverty?

4 Poverty guidelines are used to determine eligibility for many assistance programs. What do you notice about the way the federal government defines poverty?

5 Help people understand that although poverty has an official definition, in real life it means a lack of necessary resources Help people understand the ways and the degree to which poverty harms people and communities Prevent poverty from harming the health and well being of individuals and families Help policy makers understand their power to make positive changes that affect families Changing the opportunity structure Increasing access to resources Providing resources and tools Creating opportunities to be self- sufficient Using lessons learned from research to inform and influence change Help agencies change how they work with families living in poverty, resulting in greater human potential POVERTY is an individual, family, or community's lack of necessary goods and resources that are needed to support well-being and stability. In order to accomplish this, let's... and So that we can... and Individual self- sufficiency, Increased human potential. Thriving communities and Helping people take advantage of opportunities Assure Essential Resources by... Generate Equality. Prevent disparity and By reducing poverty, we create...


7 Melissa’s Story

8 Making Ends Meet Budget Activity

9 MAKING ENDS MEET in Wisconsin 1 adult + 2 children, 2014 $7.50/hr $12.50/hr $23.44/hr

10 poverty in Wisconsin the poverty rate in Wisconsin increased by more than 50% over the past decade

11 Total % people below poverty line, ACS 2008-2012 Source:

12 who is in poverty? Wisconsin Poverty Rates, 1970- 2010 children are more than twice as likely to live in poverty as are the elderly from 2005 to 2010, child poverty increased 3 times as fast in Wisconsin as nationwide

13 What’s Class Got To Do With It? Activity

14 Have enough food at all times Worry, stretch, juggle Reduce quality and variety of diet Reduce food intake Food Secure Low food security Very low food security Access to Food

15 A Place at the Table  Barbie and Legislator eating on Food Share: How do *you* relate to this story? –Reactions? –Comments? –Feelings?

16 How does Wisconsin fare? Wisconsin’s food insecurity rate is: a.below the US rate? b.about the same as the US rate? c.above the US rate?

17 Prevalence of Food Insecurity Food Insecurity Rates, 1996-2010

18 Who is Hungry? 2011 Predicted Food Insecurity Rate

19 FoodShare Participation 2011

20 Wisconsin Food Security Project Framework for Food Security Economic Context that Supports Economic Wellbeing Strong federal food and nutrition programs Strong emergency /charitable food system Affordable and accessible local food system

21 Self Reflection Don’t always believe what you think.

22 Iceberg Activity


24 What makes poverty so harmful Few financial resources Lack of nutrition Decrease in mental health Home environment Neighborhoods struggling

25 Power of Privilege Activity

26 Poverty Call to Action How can you address poverty: At a personal level? At a professional level? At a community level?

27 Poverty: How Can Poverty and Food Insecurity be Reduced ? Thinking with your community: –Identify root causes/contributors –Brainstorm ideas to reduce –Identify 2-3 ideas to move forward –Power/Asset Map the stakeholders you would invite to the table –Conduct 1:1 interviews with stakeholders –Take action!

28 Thank you!!

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