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Bell Ringer #4 Friday, November 18th Map study on page #110 in textbook – Answer questions #1 & #2 ONLY.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer #4 Friday, November 18th Map study on page #110 in textbook – Answer questions #1 & #2 ONLY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer #4 Friday, November 18th Map study on page #110 in textbook – Answer questions #1 & #2 ONLY

2 Homework #2 Read pages #107 to #116 Section #2 Review from pages #116 Answer questions #2 - #7 from textbook pages #116

3 After today… Students will be able to brainstorm a list a ways that a country can win independence. Students will utilize statistical information on African countries. Students will draw conclusions from information.

4 Partner Up!!!!

5 BRAINSTORM A list of at least 3 specific ways that a country can win its Independence from another country.

6 Who is Patrice Lumumba?

7 Create a List… Using your “Nations of Africa” statistical chart & maps on page #99 and #110 5 African “success” stories. 5 African “struggles” stories. What categories will help us determine success or struggle?

8 Table Current Country Statistics & Rationale Former Colonizer Year of Independence

9 HYPOTHESIS Is there any generalizations that you can make based upon the information generated??

10 Class Note There are two basic ways to gain freedom from an Imperialist Power – violent & non-violent. An example of a non-violent method is a boycott. An example of violent is a guerrilla war.

11 Why do I care? Many former colonies are impoverished. Poverty causes political unrest. Many analysts feel that future terrorists will come from impoverished / unstable regions.

12 After today… Students will be able to brainstorm a list a ways that a country can win independence. Students will utilize statistical information on African countries. Students will draw conclusions from information.

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