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1 DATA and TAPE OUTLAY FOR CFSRR Suru Saha and Patrick Tripp, CFSRR Project, EMC/NCEP 2008 Reanalysis: 1238 Tapes (867 TB) 2009 Reforecast: 3651 Tapes.

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Presentation on theme: "1 DATA and TAPE OUTLAY FOR CFSRR Suru Saha and Patrick Tripp, CFSRR Project, EMC/NCEP 2008 Reanalysis: 1238 Tapes (867 TB) 2009 Reforecast: 3651 Tapes."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 DATA and TAPE OUTLAY FOR CFSRR Suru Saha and Patrick Tripp, CFSRR Project, EMC/NCEP 2008 Reanalysis: 1238 Tapes (867 TB) 2009 Reforecast: 3651 Tapes (2.55 PB) Total:4889 Tapes (3.4 PB)

2 2 EXPLANATION OF FILE NAMES 1.Siganl : 3-D Hybrid Analysis (Binary) 2.Sfcanl : Surface Analysis (Binary) 3.Ocnanl : 3D Ocean Analysis (Binary) 4.Analysis : Prepbufr and other analysis output files 5.Pgb : 3-D Pressure level data on regular lat/lon (GRIB2) 6.Flx : Surface fluxes, radiative fluxes, precip, etc. on model Gaussian grid (GRIB2) 7.Ocn : 3-D Ocean data (GRIB2) 8.Ipv : 3-D Isentropic level data (GRIB2) 9.Diab : Diabatic Heating, Moistening rates, etc. (GRIB2) 10.Egy : Energetics, u ’ v ’, TKE, etc. (GRIB2)

3 3 37 Pressure (hPa) Levels : pgb, egy and diab (atmosphere) 1000 975 950 925 900 875 850 825 800 775 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 70 50 30 20 10 7 5 3 2 1 40 Levels (depth in meters) in ocn (ocean) 4478 3972 3483 3016 2579 2174 1807 1479 1193 949 747 584 459 366 303 262 238 225 215 205 195 185 175 165 155 145 135 125 115105 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 16 Isentropic (K) Levels : ipv (atmosphere) 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 350 400 450 550 650 850 1000 1250 1500

4 4 T382 Siganl227.1 MB T382 Sfcanl116.8 MB MOM4 1/4 x 1/2 Ocnanl1242.3 MB T126 Siganl25.2 MB T126 Sfcanl12.9 MB Binary FILE SIZES (1)

5 5 GRIB FILE SIZES (2) Pgbh (0.5 x 0.5)243 MB90 MB Pgbf (1.0 x 1.0)55 MB31 MB Pgbl (2.5 x 2.5)9 MB6 MB Flx T382 Gaussian77 MB28 MB Flx T126 Gaussian9 MB5 MB Flxl T62 Gaussian2.2 MB1.5 MB Ocnh (0.5 x 0.5)59 MB34.3 MB Ocnf (1.0 x 1.0)16 MB10.5 MB Ocnl (2.5 x 2.5)2.3 MB1.5 MB GRIB1GRIB2

6 6 GRIB FILE SIZES (3) Diabf (1.0 x 1.0)86 MB26 MB Diabl (2.5 x 2.5)19 MB7 MB Ipvh (0.5 x 0.5)46 MB17 MB Ipvf (1.0 x 1.0)12 MB6 MB Ipvl (2.5 x 2.5)2 MB1.2 MB Egyh (0.5 x 0.5)123 MB57 MB Egyf (1.0 x 1.0)31 MB15 MB Egyl (2.5 x 2.5)5 MB2.5 MB GRIB1GRIB2

7 7 31-year REANALYSIS (1979-2009) EMCCPCNCDC CFS Hi Res IC (6-hourly)206 (2)-103 (1) CFS Lo Res IC (6-hourly)50 (2)-25 (1) Full Ingest Data (6-hourly)65 (1)- Conv Data Ingest (6-hourly)10 (1) Pgbh 0.5 x 05 (Hourly)142 (1) 52 (1) Flxf T382 Gaussian (Hourly)35 (1) 15 (1) Ocnh 0.5 x 0.5 (Hourly)26 (1) 15 (1) Diabf 1.0 x 1.0 (Hourly)39 (1) 13 (1) Ipvh 0.5 x 0.5 (Hourly)24 (1) 10 (1) Monthly15 (1) 8 (1) Timeseries9 (1) 1 (1) Total 621300 317 GRAND TOTAL = 1238 Tapes (867 TB)

8 8 Hourly Timeseries of 80 parameters : FLX file (32) 1.LHTFL (latent heat flux) : averaged 2.SHTFL (sensible heat flx) : averaged 3.UFLX (u-stress) : averaged 4.VFLX (v-stress) : averaged 5.PRATE (precipitation rate) : averaged 6.PRESSFC (Surface pressure) : instantaneous 7.PWAT (Precipitable Water) : instantaneous 8.TMP2M (2m air temperature) : instantaneous 9.TMPSFC (surface temperature) : instantaneous 10.TMPHY1 (temperature at hybrid level 1) : instantaneous 11.SNOHF (Snow phase-change heat flux) : averaged 12.U10M (u at 10m) : instantaneous 13.V10M (v at 10m) : instantaneous 14.DLWSFC (Downward LW at the surface) : averaged 15.DSWSFC (Downward SW at the surface) : averaged 16.ULWSFC (Upward LW at the surface) : averaged 17.ULWTOA (Upward LW at the top) : averaged 18.USWSFC (Upward SW at the surface) : averaged 19.USWTOA (Upward SW at the top) : averaged 20.SOILM1 (Soil Moisture Level 1) : instantaneous 21.SOILM2 (Soil Moisture Level 2) : instantaneous 22.SOILM3 (Soil Moisture Level 3) : instantaneous 23.SOILM4 (Soil Moisture Level 4) : instantaneous 24.SOILT1 (Soil Temperature Level 1) : instantaneous 25.GFLUX (Ground Heat Flux) : averaged 26.SWE (Snow Water Equivalent) : instantaneous 27.RUNOFF (Ground Runoff) : accumulation 28.ICECON (Ice concentation) 29.ICETHK (Ice Thickness) 30.Q2M (2m Specific Humidity) 31.TMIN (Minimum 2m air temperature) 32.TMAX (Maximum 2m air temperature)

9 9 Hourly Timeseries of 80 parameters (contd) : PGB file (27) 1. Z200 (Geopotential at 200 hPa) 2.Z500 (Geopotential at 500 hPa) 3.Z700 (Geopotential at 700 hPa) 4.Z850 (Geopotential at 850 hPa) 5.Z1000 (Geopotential at 1000 hPa) 6.T2 (Temperature at 2 hPa) 7.T50 (Temperature at 50 hPa) 8.T200 (Temperature at 200 hPa) 9.T500 (Temperature at 500 hPa) 10.T700 (Temperature at 700 hPa) 11.T850 (Temperature at 850 hPa) 12.T1000 (Temperature at 1000 hPa) 13.WND200 (Zonal (u ) and Meridional: (v) Wind at 200 hPa) 14.WND500 (Zonal (u ) and Meridional: (v) Wind at 500 hPa) 15.WND700 (Zonal (u ) and Meridional: (v) Wind at 700 hPa) 16.WND850 (Zonal (u ) and Meridional: (v) Wind at 850 hPa) 17.WND1000 (Zonal (u ) and Meridional: (v) Wind at 1000 hPa) 18.PSI200 (Streamfunction at 200 hPa) 19.PSI850 (Streamfunction at 850 hPa) 20.CHI200 (Velocity Potential at 200 hPa) 21.CHI850 (Velocity Potential at 200 hPa) 22.VVEL500 (Vertical Velocity at 500 hPa) 23.Q500 (Specific Humidity at 500 hPa) 24.Q700 (Specific Humidity at 700 hPa) 25.Q850 (Specific Humidity at 850 hPa) 26.Q925 (Specific Humidity at 925 hPa) 27.PRMSL (Mean Sea Level Pressure)

10 10 Hourly Timeseries of 80 parameters (contd) : IPV file (3) 1.IPV450 (Potential Vorticty at 450 K Isentropic Level) 2.IPV550 (Potential Vorticty at 550 K Isentropic Level) 3.IPV650 (Potential Vorticty at 650 K Isentropic Level) Hourly Timeseries of 80 parameters (contd) : OCN file (13) 1.OCNDT20C (Depth of 20C Isotherm) 2.OCNHEAT (Ocean Heat Content) 3.OCNSLH (Sea Level Height) 4.OCNSST (Ocean Potential Temperature at depth of 5m) 5.OCNU5 (Ocean Zonal Current at depth of 5m) 6.OCNV5 (Ocean Meridional Current at depth of 5m) 7.OCNSAL5 (Ocean Salinity at depth of 5m) 8.OCNU15 (Ocean Zonal Current at depth of 15m) 9.OCNV15 (Ocean Meridioanl Current at depth of 15m) 10.OCNT15 (Ocean Potential Temperature at depth of 15m) 11.OCNSAL15 (Ocean Salinity at depth of 15m) 12.OCNVV55 (Ocean vertical velocity at depth of 55 m) 13.OCNMLD (Ocean Mixed Layer Depth)

11 11 28-year REFORECASTS (1982-2009) EMCCPCNCDC 6-hourly (1.0x1.0) Pgb * 617 (1) 348 (1) 6-hourly (T126L64) Flx * ** 176 (1) 98 (1) 6-hourly (1.0x1.0) Ocn * 180 (1) 119 (1) 6-hourly (1.0x1.0) Ipv * 136 (1) 68 (1) Monthly136 (1) 68 (1) Timeseries 180 (1) 100 (1) Total1425 801 GRAND TOTAL = 3651 Tapes (2.55 PB) * pgb, flx, ipv and ocn for first 8 months of forecast ; **flx only for the rest of forecast Typical calculation 6 hourly 1.0 x 1.0 Flx for first 8 months: = 9 x 4 x 31 x 8 = 8.928 GB 6 hourly 1.0 x 1.0 Flx for next 6 months: = 9 x 4 x 31 x 6 = 6.696 GB Total per run = 15.6 GB Total for 7900 runs = 123.2 TB Tapes (@ 0.7 TB/tape) = 176 Tapes

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