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Unit 6: Southwest and Central Asia

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1 Unit 6: Southwest and Central Asia
Introducing the Region: Physical and Human Geography

2 Physical Features: SW Asia
Peninsulas: Arabian Peninsula Plateaus: Anatolia “fairy chimneys” Seas: Arabian, Mediterranean, Black, Red, Dead, Caspian Tigris-Euphrates Valley

3 Fairy Chimneys

4 Physical Features: Central Asia
Seas: Aral, Caspian, Arabian Hindu Kush K2 (Mt. Godwin Austen) Indus River

5 K2

6 Aral Sea

7 Climate: SW Asia Arid Semi-arid Mediterranean

8 Climate: Central Asia Highlands Arid Semiarid steppes

9 Vegetation: SW & Central Asia
Wide variety Desert scrub Adaptation

10 Human Geography: the countries
Most populous: Pakistan Largest: Kazakhstan Wealthiest: United Arab Emirates Common links: trade and Islam

11 Human Geography: History
Cradle of civilization Monotheism: Judaism (Abraham), Christianity (Jesus), Islam (Muhammad) Islamic Empire Ottoman Empire Independence Modern Conflicts

12 Abraham

13 Jesus

14 Muhammad

15 Human Geography: Population
Population density (Istanbul, Karachi) % rural, % urban Major religion: Islam (Sunni, Shia) Population growth

16 Karachi, Pakistan

17 Human Geography: Economic Activity
Oil (abundance of ) Water (scarcity of ) Nomadic herding Fossil fuels Commercial farming Trade and manufacturing

18 OIL

19 Links to More Information about SW and Central Asia

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