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Do Now (A Do Now (B): Do Now (C): Do Now (A ): Type I  Give 5 examples of One- Dimensional Motion Do Now (B): Type II  List the 5 formulas for One- Dimensional.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now (A Do Now (B): Do Now (C): Do Now (A ): Type I  Give 5 examples of One- Dimensional Motion Do Now (B): Type II  List the 5 formulas for One- Dimensional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now (A Do Now (B): Do Now (C): Do Now (A ): Type I  Give 5 examples of One- Dimensional Motion Do Now (B): Type II  List the 5 formulas for One- Dimensional Motion Do Now (C): Type II  What is the final velocity of a frictionless object dropped from rest from a height of 12.5 meters?  In Class EXAM Re-DO Jet Sled  Homework: 1 – 10 ALL Multiple Choice  SHOW WORK  Footnote Sources  (text pg 140, or www.physicsanswers.romacwww.physicsanswers.romac Unit 7 Gravity Lesson WB

2 WEDNESDAY Dec 9 th 2015 Period 5 In Class Pages 191 – 194 #’s 43,45,46.62,63,65,71,72,81,96 Physics Due MONDAY Dec 14 Pages 191 – 194 #’s 43,45,46.62,63,65,71,72,81,96 "The more I practice the luckier I get."

3 From the Earth to the Moon to SETI Homework :Page 189 Create Summary Sheet from VOCAB 7.1 & 7.2 Physics Due MONDAY Dec 14 Pages 191 – 194 #’s 43,45,46.62,63,65,71,72,81,96 "The more I practice the luckier I get."

4 Forces F = ma Newton’s = Kg (m/s 2 ) You must know how to do these actions: Calculate applied Forces using Average (net) Accelerations Calculate net Forces using instantaneous and average (net) Accelerations Calculate Frictional Forces using constant Accelerations Calculate average velocities using net Forces with constant (net) Accelerations Calculate distance and times using net Forces with constant (net) Accelerations Gravity You must know how to do these actions: Centripetal force of orbiting objects Find Orbital Radii of an object Find Orbital Periods of an object Find Escape and orbital Velocities Geo-synchronized orbits, Gravitational force between two celestial objects Gravitational Accelerations and velocities of celestial objects Gravitational acceleration on the surface of a celestial body Weights (in Newton’s) on other celestial bodies Unit 7 Gravity Lesson one

5 Unit VIIGravity Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion  (Ta 2 /Tb 2 ) = (Ra 3 /Rb 3 ) Newton’s Laws of Gravity  F gravity = (G * m object * m planet ) / r planet 2 Orbital Velocities and Escape velocities You must know how to Calculate: Centripetal force of orbiting objects  F = m* V 2 /R Orbital Radii of an object  {Ra 3 } = (Ta 2 {Rb 3 } /Tb 2 ) Orbital Periods of an object  (Ta 2 ) = ({Ra 3 * Tb 2 } / {Rb 3 }) Escape and orbital Velocities V = R  (g/r + )or V =  (G * M planet ) /r + ) Geo-synchronized orbits Period  “T” = 24 hours (around Earth) Gravitational force between two celestial objects  F grav = G (M1 * M2) / d 2 Gravitational Accelerations and velocities of celestial objects Gravitational acceleration on the surface of a celestial body  “g” = (G * m planet ) / r planet 2 Weights (in Newton’s) on other celestial bodies F gravity = Weight = m object *”g” = (G * m object * m planet ) / r planet 2 Unit 7 Gravity Lesson one

6 Kepler’s THIRD Law of Planetary Motion (Period of Orbiting Object “A” / Period of Orbiting Object “B”) 2 = (Radius of Orbit for Object “A” / Radius of Orbit for Object “B”) 3 Newton’s Laws of Gravity F gravity = (G * M 1 * M 2 )/ (d 2 ) F gravity = (G * Mass 1 * Mass 2 )/ (distance between M 1 and M 2 ) 2 "G” = 6.67 X10 -11 Nm 2 /Kg 2 F gravity = (m * “g”) = (mass times gravitational acceleration) = Weight F centripetal = m v 2 / R (R and d are sometimes used interchangeably when talking about orbits) A B (T A / T B ) 2 = (R A / R B ) 3 Gravity & KEPLER

7 Gravity Unit 7 Gravity Lesson Two Name:______________  Two MAJOR Flaws  1)  2)  Five Minors “oops”  1  2  3  4  5  Can you find them?  Homework:  List 5 scenes where “gravity” was in effect  What is the “g” that Sandra Bullock is experiencing if she is at the Hubble orbit (roughly 200 kilometers above the surface of the Earth ) “g” = (G * m planet ) / { r Orbit + r planet 2 }

8 Gravity Unit 7 Gravity Lesson THREE  Two MAJOR Flaws  Five Minors oops  Did you find them?  Homework :  What is the “velocity ” that Sandra Bullock is travelling at if she is at the Hubble orbit (roughly 200 kilometers above the surface of the Earth )? V = R  (g/ { r Orbit + r planet 2 }) or V =  (G * M planet ) /( { r Orbit + r planet 2 } )

9 - F = ma - Weight = m”g” - F grav = G (M1 * M2) / d 2 -“g Planet ” = (G * M Planet ) / (Radius Planet ) 2 Escape and orbital Velocity V = R  (g/r + ) or V =  (G * M planet ) /r + ) r + = orbital radius of satellite (ADDED TO PLANET RADIUS) Orbital period and radius (Ta/Tb) 2 = (Ra/Rb) 3 Orbital distance from the Moon to Earth :0.3844 X10 6 Km Radius of the Earth :6,378.140 km (or 6,378.140 X 10 3 meters) Do Now a)What are five “things’ you know about Gravity b) What is the orbital period of Saturn around the Sun if it’s major orbital radius is 1.43 X10 12 m

10 Do Now a)How many Earths will fit into the Sun? b)What is the orbital velocity of the international space station orbiting 500.00 Km above the surface of the Earth?

11 Do Now What is the orbital Radius of a geosynchronous weather satellite above the surface of the Earth?

12 DO NOW: A)TURN IN HOMEWORK B) Centripetal Force is defined as F centripetal = m (v 2 / r). What is the centripetal force on The Moon in orbit around the Earth? F centripetal =______________ ___ Unit 7 Lesson 7 movies/contact.html movies/contact.html

13 Unit 7 Lesson 8 test Gravity Test  Do Now  Do Now :  Test  Homework  Homework : How Many astronauts (US-USSR-Chinese- other) have died in space or in training?  Active {Split Page} Read chapter 9.1  Define and give an example of:  IMPULSE  Momentum  Impulse – Momentum Theorem  Angular Momentum  Do Practice Problems 1 – 5 ODD page 233

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