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Growing Healthy Soil for Healthy Communities Food Justice and Equity Gathering Minneapolis, MN June 4-6, 2015 Hosted by: Center for Science And Democracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing Healthy Soil for Healthy Communities Food Justice and Equity Gathering Minneapolis, MN June 4-6, 2015 Hosted by: Center for Science And Democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing Healthy Soil for Healthy Communities Food Justice and Equity Gathering Minneapolis, MN June 4-6, 2015 Hosted by: Center for Science And Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists

2 DateActivity 1993SSCHC begins work on environmental health initiatives focused on minimizing or eliminating health risks from exposure to urban environmental hazards that exist in their neighborhoods. December 2008WWCC invited to UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Board. February 2010WWCC holds first Environmental Applied Research Transforming Health (E.A.R.T.H.) committee meeting. Discussion around soil lead testing and interest in pursuing a research protocol ensues. April 2010Industry partner met with WWCC and faculty/staff from Children’s Environmental Health Sciences Center (CEHSC) to discuss the submission of a pilot project April 2010SSCHC invited to be part of pilot grant as the need to have a second neighborhood was identified. May 2010MCW, SSCHC, WWCC, and industry partner submit a pilot proposal to the Children’s Environmental Health Sciences Center (CEHSC). August 2010Pilot proposal rejected by CEHSC. November 2010CEHSC notifies partnership that pre-pilot funds are available to demonstrate research capacity. January 2011-March 2011 MCW, SSCHC, WWCC, and industry partner re-submit Pilot proposal to CEHSC. May 2011MCW, SSCHC, WWCC, and industry partner implement a Pre-Pilot to demonstrate research capacity. August 2011MCW, SSCHC, WWCC, and industry partner receive notification of funding Pilot project. June 2012After numerous attempts to secure a contract to complete plant and soil sampling and testing, industry partner exits project. UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Soil Science and Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies faculty member engaged as project partner to complete plant and soil testing aims. June 2012PLaNT (Plant and Nurture Together) Partnership agreement finalized to include MCW, SSCHC, and WWCC.

3 Goal: Build community and public health capacity in two Milwaukee neighborhoods, which are each using urban agriculture programming as a transformational and empowerment tool, to mitigate exposure to lead through primary prevention.

4 Walnut Way Conservation Corp.


6 Soil Testing and Interventions

7 To Improve the Health & Well Being of Families in Milwaukee and Surrounding Areas, Free of Cultural, Linguistic or Economic Barriers.


9 Policy Issues  Wisconsin Real Estate Disclosure Law ( Wis. Stat. Chap 709- see section 709.03, paragraph C.15. ) requires the disclosure of known lead contamination in building materials or soils at the time of real estate transfer.  Wisconsin DNR Spills Law ( Wisc. Stat. Chap. 292.11 ) states that any person who possesses or controls a hazardous substance shall notify the department (DNR) immediately of any discharge.

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