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Addressing LGBT Health Inequalities 1 The Cycle of Oppression illustrated.

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Presentation on theme: "Addressing LGBT Health Inequalities 1 The Cycle of Oppression illustrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addressing LGBT Health Inequalities 1 The Cycle of Oppression illustrated

2 Addressing LGBT Health Inequalities 2 Messages? Unnatural, abnormal, deviant, pathological, predatory, sick promiscuous, over-sexualised, limp-wristed, bent, queer, not valued, dysfunctional, wrong, irresponsible, not good to be gay, weak, effeminate, confused, God’s punishment (HIV) Butch/hostile (women), uncommitted/immature (bisexuals) Feelings and emotions? Angry, defiant, banging head off a brick wall, frustrated, confused, neglected, exhausted, shameful, wary, scared, deceitful, secretive, inferior, mixed up, stressed out, suicidal, anxious, depressed, threatened, isolated, lonely, isolated, alone, lack of confidence, judged, different, relief, assertive, proud, free Reactions? Disliking yourself, disgust with self, self-loathing, stress, illness), vulnerability, alcohol and drugs to ‘cope’, denial, entrenching, introverted, concealing, secrecy, go into your silo, withdraw, socially isolate, aggressive, angry, in your face, risk-taking (e.g. sex), hostility, defensive, act ‘straight’, hostility towards other LGBT people, political activism, self-assured, assertive

3 Addressing LGBT Health Inequalities 3

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