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Conversations with the Earth Tom Burbine

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Presentation on theme: "Conversations with the Earth Tom Burbine"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conversations with the Earth Tom Burbine

2 Midterm March 24 Covers everything including Tuesday-Wednesday class You can bring in a sheet of paper with anything written on it You can bring in your hand-written mineral sheets

3 Review Session Wednesday evening at 4:30 pm in Hemenway 229


5 Radiation dosage 1 rad = 0.01 J of radiant energy absorbed by kilogram of tissue Rem = rads x Q where Q is a quality factor which attempts to convert rads from different types of radioactivity into a common scale of biological damage. Lethal dose is 400-450 Rem

6 Some types of radiation Alpha particle – 2 protons and 2 neutrons (Helium nucleus) –Do not normally penetrate clothing –High kinetic energy (due to high mass) ; can damage living tissue Beta particle – electron (from a neutron when it becomes a proton) –Penetrate clothing and into skin Gamma ray - High-frequency radiation –Penetrate into skin and can damage molecules in cells




10 Isotope half-life 232 U 68.9 y 233 U 159,200 yr 234 U 245,500 yr 235 U 7.038×10 8 yr 236 U 2.342×10 7 yr 238 U 4.468×10 9 yr




14 Iodine-131, the radioactive form of iodine, is absorbed by the thyroid and can cause thyroid cancer. Half-life of 8 days Cesium-137, which isn’t stored in any one part of the body, increases the overall cancer risk by as much as a few percentage points. Half-life of 30 years





19 Meltdown – melting of the core of a nuclear reactor

20 diane-sawyer/SH5585921/VD55117252/world- news-311-disaster-in-the-pacific-japan- earthquake?rfr=google diane-sawyer/SH5585921/VD55117252/world- news-311-disaster-in-the-pacific-japan- earthquake?rfr=google

21 Any Questions?

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