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Thanksgiving Project. Getting ready to eat!  Between now and Thanksgiving, we will create FunMat for your family dinner.

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Presentation on theme: "Thanksgiving Project. Getting ready to eat!  Between now and Thanksgiving, we will create FunMat for your family dinner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thanksgiving Project

2 Getting ready to eat!  Between now and Thanksgiving, we will create FunMat for your family dinner.

3 First…  We have to decide what we want to have for Thanksgiving dinner.  You have $100 (that is 100 imaginary CLICK dollars) to spend on groceries for your feast.

4 Let’s go shopping.  Open the file called “thanksgiving_budget.xls” and save it in your folder.


6 What will be buy?  Think of what you want to have for Thanksgiving dinner and type each item in a separate line.


8 How much does it cost?  Find the price of your food item on the next slide. If you don’t find what you want, use the price of something similar.


10  End of day one

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