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Lesson 14 Sam and His Store Step 1. Thanksgiving Day The day for Thanksgiving was not fixed until the time of the Civil War. On October 3rd, 1863, Lincoln.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 14 Sam and His Store Step 1. Thanksgiving Day The day for Thanksgiving was not fixed until the time of the Civil War. On October 3rd, 1863, Lincoln."— Presentation transcript:

1 lesson 14 Sam and His Store Step 1. Thanksgiving Day The day for Thanksgiving was not fixed until the time of the Civil War. On October 3rd, 1863, Lincoln issued the first National Thanksgiving Proclamation. Since then it has been the custom ofr the President of the United States to proclaim annually the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day. The Thanksgiving dinner is mainly stuffed with roast turkey, squash and corn, pumpkin pie and Indian pudding (a custard made from corn, etc).

2 Step 2 reading tasks before coming to the text Ask Ss to get prepared for the following questions Understanding main points 1.the text on the opposite page describes two main differences between British and German management. what are they? 2. mark the statements T or F a) managers between British and German companies rarely succeed b) the study mainly concentrated on middle managers c) both German and British managers consider technical skills to be very important d) German mangers prefer working with technicians in British companies.

3 e) British mangers are very concerned about the executive status. f) there is much more change in British companies than in German companies g) German companies are strong and successful because of the way they are organizes h) British mangers are probably more flexible than their German counterparts 3. in your opinion, does the article suggest that one country’s approach is better than the other? 4. pick out some extracts from the article which make positive or negative comments about British and German approaches

4 Step 3 read the text 1. Prepare for the vocabulary Ask the students to read through the words loudly 1 ) Explain some of the terms: academic: a teacher at a university, college, etc collaborate; to work together drawback: disadvantage exaggerate: to make sth seem larger, better, worse than it really is stretch beyond the truth execution: the aspects of management effectiveness whereby managers see that their plans are carries out by the members of the organization expertise: expert knowledge or skill

5 Step 4 summarization and review Ask the students to finish the following reading tasks understanding details these sentences summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Match each sentence to the correct paragraph. a)British managers change jobs within a company for more often than Germans b) a study has shown big difference in managerial behavior in Britain and Germany c) approaches in both countries have disadvantages which are clearly different d) British managers are generalists rather than specialists e) attitudes to the qualifications and the role of managers are different in Britain and German f) the structure of British companies changes frequently g) German managers are experts in their jobs

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