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Group # 3 Jorge Chavez Henry Diaz Janty Ghazi German Montenegro.

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Presentation on theme: "Group # 3 Jorge Chavez Henry Diaz Janty Ghazi German Montenegro."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group # 3 Jorge Chavez Henry Diaz Janty Ghazi German Montenegro

2 What is an Instruction Set? The complete collection of instructions that are understood by a CPU Machine Code Binary Usually represented by assembly codes

3 Elements of an Instruction Operation code (Op code) Do this Source Operand reference To this Result Operand reference Put the answer here Next Instruction Reference When you have done that, do this...

4 Where have all the Operands Gone? Long time passing…. (If you don’t understand, you’re too young!) Main memory (or virtual memory or cache) CPU register I/O device

5 Instruction Cycle State Diagram

6 Instruction Representation In machine code each instruction has a unique bit pattern For human consumption (well, programmers anyway) a symbolic representation is used e.g. ADD, SUB, LOAD Operands can also be represented in this way ADD A,B

7 Simple Instruction Format

8 Instruction Types Data processing Data storage (main memory) Data movement (I/O) Program flow control

9 Number of Addresses (a) 3 addresses Operand 1, Operand 2, Result a = b + c; May be a forth - next instruction (usually implicit) Not common Needs very long words to hold everything

10 Number of Addresses (b) 2 addresses One address doubles as operand and result a = a + b Reduces length of instruction Requires some extra work Temporary storage to hold some results

11 Number of Addresses (c) 1 address Implicit second address Usually a register (accumulator) Common on early machines

12 Number of Addresses (d) 0 (zero) addresses All addresses implicit Uses a stack e.g. push a push b add pop c c = a + b

13 How Many Addresses More addresses More complex (powerful?) instructions More registers Inter-register operations are quicker Fewer instructions per program Fewer addresses Less complex (powerful?) instructions More instructions per program Faster fetch/execution of instructions

14 Design Decisions (1) Operation repertoire How many ops? What can they do? How complex are they? Data types Instruction formats Length of op code field Number of addresses

15 Design Decisions (2) Registers Number of CPU registers available Which operations can be performed on which registers? Addressing modes (later…) RISC v CISC

16 Types of Operand Machine Instructions operate on data; the four most important general categories are: Addresses Numbers  Integer or fixed point  Floating point  Decimal Characters  ASCII etc. (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Logical Data  Bits or flags

17 Pentium Data Types 8 bit Byte 16 bit word 32 bit double word 64 bit quad word Addressing is by 8 bit unit A 32 bit double word is read at addresses divisible by 4

18 Specific Data Types General - arbitrary binary contents Integer - single binary value Ordinal - unsigned integer Unpacked BCD - One digit per byte Packed BCD - 2 BCD digits per byte Near Pointer - 32 bit offset within segment Bit field – Contiguous sequence of bits, each position considered an independent unit. Byte String - Contiguous sequence of bytes Floating Point

19 PowerPC Data Types 8 (byte), 16 (halfword), 32 (word) and 64 (doubleword) length data types Some instructions need operand aligned on 32 bit boundary Can be big- or little-endian Fixed point processor recognises: Unsigned byte, unsigned halfword, signed halfword, unsigned word, signed word, unsigned doubleword, byte string (<128 bytes) Floating point IEEE 754 Single or double precision

20 Pentium Numeric Data Formats

21 Types of Operation Data Transfer Arithmetic Logical Conversion I/O System Control Transfer of Control

22 Data Transfer Specify Source Destination Amount of data May be different instructions for different movements e.g. IBM 370 Or one instruction and different addresses e.g. VAX

23 Arithmetic Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Signed Integer (1,2,-2,-4) Floating point (23.40054, 15.13513) May include Absolute Value(|a|) Increment (a++) Decrement (a--) Negate (-a)

24 Shift and Rotate Operations

25 Logical Bitwise operations AND, OR, NOT, XOR

26 Conversion Change format or operate on the format of data

27 Input/Output May be specific instructions May be done using data movement instructions (memory mapped) May be done by a separate controller (DMA)

28 Systems Control Only executed when processor is at a “privileged” state or executing a program in a “privileged” area of memory

29 Transfer of Control Branch- a.k.a. “jump” Conditional Branch- branch is made if a certain condition is met Unconditional Branch- instruction in which the branch is always taken Skip the instruction is skipped so the implied address equals the address of the next instruction plus one instruction length Subroutine call Calls a procedure (self-contained program) at anytime during the larger program.

30 Branch Instruction

31 Nested Procedure Calls

32 Use of Stack

33 Stack Frame Growth Using Sample Procedures P and Q

34 Byte Order What order do we read numbers that occupy more than one byte e.g. (numbers in hex to make it easy to read) 12345678 can be stored in 4x8bit locations as follows

35 Byte Order (example) AddressValue (1)Value(2) 1841278 1853456 1865634 1867812 i.e. read top down or bottom up?

36 Byte Order Names The problem is called Endian The system on the left has the least significant byte in the lowest address This is called big-endian The system on the right has the least significant byte in the highest address This is called little-endian

37 Example of C Data Structure

38 Alternative View of Memory Map

39 Standard…What Standard? Pentium (80x86), VAX are little-endian IBM 370, Moterola 680x0 (Mac), and most RISC are big-endian Internet is big-endian Makes writing Internet programs on PC more awkward! WinSock provides htoi and itoh (Host to Internet & Internet to Host) functions to convert

40 Review Questions 1. What are the four most important general categories of data? 2. What is the most fundamental type of machine instruction? 3. What data types can the pentium deal with? 4. What are the three main reasons why transfer of control operations are required? 5. What is one of the interesting features of the PowerPC data type. 6. What does endian mean?

41 Review Questions 1. What type of location can hold source and destination operands? 2. What are the typical elements of a machine instruction?

42 Review Answers 1. Addresses, Numbers, Characters, Logical data 2. Data Transfer 3. 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit length 4. You need to be able to repeat certain instructions. The program has to have some decision making capabilities. And to break up large tasks into smaller workable pieces. 5. It can use either little or big endian. 6. It is the problem of organizing bytes.

43 Review Answers 1. Operation code, source operand reference and result operand reference. 2. Main memory, CPU register and secondary memory.

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