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Designing and Implementation of the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) in Perm Krai Makar German Perm Krai Government Chief of Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing and Implementation of the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) in Perm Krai Makar German Perm Krai Government Chief of Staff."— Presentation transcript:


2 Designing and Implementation of the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) in Perm Krai Makar German Perm Krai Government Chief of Staff

3 Information Intelligence Group Geographical position Area - 160,600 km ² (62,008.0 sq mi) Population – 2,819,421 inhabitants Distance from Perm to Moscow – 1522 km Distance from Perm to Lisbon – 5 298 km

4 Information Intelligence Group Historical routes Today Permian system and Perm period are the only periods with Russian names in geological calendar Serge Diaghilev, entrepreneur (31 March 1872 – 19 August 1929) Doctor Zhivago, a famous novel by Boris Pasternak, first published in 1957

5 Information Intelligence Group State power structure - The Russian Federation - 83 federal subjects, like Perm Krai, Republic of Tatarstan, etc. - 12 215 municipalities Perm Krai Government: 33 governing bodies (Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry for Urban Construction and Infrastructure Development, Ministry of Safety, etc.) – 2 000 employees 47 municipalities (Permsky district, Chusovoy district, Gornozavodsky district) Federal level Regional level Municipal level

6 Information Intelligence Group Documents cirulation standard situation - governor - managers - governing bodies - clerical offices

7 Information Intelligence Group Disadvantages The responsibility belongs to office clerks Drawing up reports by office clerks Misunderstanding of the document route Inside work A standard documentation process takes 30 calendar days 9-10% of all the staff are office clerks 30% of all documents are processed with delays

8 Information Intelligence Group Our system requirements Process transparency Process automation Shifting responsibility on bureaucracy Symultaneous work of concurrent users Simplicity of implementation Document relevance in law Staff reduction

9 Information Intelligence Group EMC Documentum is our choice! The company which provides us with the opportunity of the objectives achievement

10 Information Intelligence Group Three-phased implementation of the system 2.Operational testing - Testing of work processes Process development - Staff training 2007 1 body 5 bodies 33bodies 2008 2006 2009 1. Elaboration 3. Commercial operation - Process observation - System modernization - Process standardization - System scaling - Identification of implementation spheres 2010 2011 Regional level (2500 users) Municipal level (3000 users) Federal level (100 users)

11 System structure Scanning Archive Content management Reports Data import Letters of citizen Contracts automation Managing of data holding Data protection Digital signature Incoming documents Outgoing documents Internal documents Contracts Citizen letters Monitoring and verification Governor's order Executive order Local order Filling systems Enclosures Extension date of performance Assignment of executor Information Intelligence Group

12 User adaptation ManagersSubordinates For Transparency Manageability Mobility Efficiency Simplicity Against Mobility Efficiency Transparency Manageability

13 Information Intelligence Group What’s the way out? Oleg Chirkunov, the Perm Krai governor «I don’t work with paper- based documents any longer!»

14 Information Intelligence Group Results BeforeAfter

15 Information Intelligence Group We have reduced the clerical office staff by 30% increased the volume of documents processed by our office clerks by 50% reduced the average document processing times by 65% reduced the number of documents processed with delays to 2%

16 Information Intelligence Group Future perspectives The system is recommended for distributing in all the regions of the Russian Federation There is a basis for the development of electronic citizen services in Perm Krai The system is open for cooperation between the government and society The development of an EDMS and other IT innovations makes it possible for Perm Krai to take the 2nd place in the Russian Federation, as a region with a high rate of socio-economic growth

17 Thank you This presentation will also be available online via after the conference!

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