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BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Travel and Tourism.

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1 BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Travel and Tourism

2 How will I be assessed? O A BTEC is a qualification that is assessed 100% through coursework. This may include written tasks, display work, presentations and role plays. O The Subsidiary Diploma is the equivalent to one A- level. O You will be awarded one of three grades: O Pass= E/D grade O Merit= D/C grade O Distinction= C/B grade O Distinction*= A

3 What will I be studying? O You will work your way through 6 units of work over 2 years. You will have 5 lessons per week as well as your independent study. O There are four core units: O Unit 1: Investigating Travel and Tourism O Unit 2: The Business of Travel and Tourism O Unit 3: The UK as a Destination O Unit 4: Customer Service in Travel and Tourism O You will also study a unit on the Cruise Industry, UK Visitor Attractions and Retail Travel Operations.

4 Is this course for me? O BTECs best suit students who prefer to be assessed over longer pieces of work. O As there are no exams in this course, BTECs suit students who don’t perform well in exams. This course will not suit students who leave their work until the last minute. O You must be dedicated! There is a lot of coursework to get through that you need to keep on top of.

5 Extra-Curricular O Trips to different destinations and attractions such as Cadbury’s World, Campbell Park and Bletchley Park. O Talks from outside visitors to gain insight into business operations. O Lunchtime and after school catch up sessions.

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