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‘The Pedestrian’ by Ray Bradbury. Unit Aims by the end of this unit you should be able to discuss contrast in settings Discuss contrast in characters.

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Presentation on theme: "‘The Pedestrian’ by Ray Bradbury. Unit Aims by the end of this unit you should be able to discuss contrast in settings Discuss contrast in characters."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘The Pedestrian’ by Ray Bradbury

2 Unit Aims by the end of this unit you should be able to discuss contrast in settings Discuss contrast in characters Link effectively between paragraphs Use quotes effectively to provide evidence

3 Outcome Critical Evaluation – Review 1 ‘Ray Bradbury’s world is alien and unaccepting. He creates a future which is cold and lonely. Show, by close reference to the features of the story, how the author has expressed his concerns about humankind’s relationship with modern technology.’

4 Questions 1.When and where is the story set? 2.Name the main character. 3.What kind of night is it in the story? 4.What do all the people do at night? 5.IN YOUR OWN WORDS, summarise what Mead says to the houses. 6.What has happened to crime and why do you think this has happened? 7.What is the city like during the day? 8.Whom does Mead meet on his way home? 9.IN YOUR OWN WORDS, describe the interrogation that takes place.

5 Extension Task – Now write your answers together on one, continuous paragrap. Check- that it reads smoothly that you now have a summary of ‘The Pedestrian’

6 Setting Task – Copy and fill in the table. Use quotes which relate to the particular part of the day. NightDay

7 Making Notes Quote “making no noise” define it alliteration“emphasises” What it emphasises the silence

8 Quote Framework Make statement There is a contrast between the city at night and during the day. Use quote (part of the sentence) We can see this with, “making no noise” for night and “thunderous surge of cars” for during the day. Explain what the quote shows The alliteration and assonance emphasises the juxtaposition between the quiet and the noise.

9 Using The Framework Now you have written out in note form, put your notes together in writing. e.g. There is a contrast between the city at night and during the day. We can see this with, “making no noise” for night and “thunderous surge of cars” for during the day. The alliteration and assonance emphasises the juxtaposition between the quiet and the noise.

10 Mead’s House Task – There is a contrast between Mead’s house and the setting. Write about this using the framework to structure you answer. (You will have to gather a list of quotes first.) i.e. make notes use the framework write in full

11 Homework Your task is to pick 5 more of the quotes from your table and use the 3 steps to create a paragraph about them. You should show your ‘working’ on the page.

12 Mead & The Car

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