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CS4201 Interactive Systems Project Raffles Letters Group.

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Presentation on theme: "CS4201 Interactive Systems Project Raffles Letters Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS4201 Interactive Systems Project Raffles Letters Group

2 What are we doing?  Kinect: why 2

3 Scenarios 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 Related Works 9

10 10

11 Project: Interactive Maps  Features  Navigating within the selected hand-drawn map  Transition between different hand-drawn maps  Selecting an interesting Location/Area  information about that specific location  information about related exhibits or library books 11

12 Demonstration 12

13 Limitations  Preservation of original map  Requires high quality digital scans in order for clear zooming  Might be difficult for direct comparison (scale and accuracy) 13

14 Kinect Limitations  Limited to basic sets of gestures  Requires an intuitive mapping rather than creative gestures  Detection range  Users need to stand at least 2 metres away from the Kinect  Configuration of display and Kinect positions 14

15 Interactive Prototype  Observation: Swiping not intuitive  Cause: Users had different expectations  Solution: Adopted touchscreen standards 15

16 Interactive Prototype  Observation: Cyclic nature assumed  Cause: Absence of proper visual clues  Solution: Provide thumbnails and include cyclic behavior 16

17 Interactive Prototype  Observation: Low tolerance for unresponsiveness  Cause: Unresponsiveness translates into fatigue  Solution: Strike balance between sensitivity and usability 17

18 Future Directions  Map comparison  Allow side-by-side comparison between 2 maps  Fine tuning interface  Enhances the overall feel of the application 18

19 Insert mockups 19

20 Future Directions  Adding animation  Useful for first time users  Attractive and enticing 20


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