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Being Ready at Yearend and Yearstart  Things to do – smschecklist.doc It is the base of your bible! Student Top Tips.

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Presentation on theme: "Being Ready at Yearend and Yearstart  Things to do – smschecklist.doc It is the base of your bible! Student Top Tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Being Ready at Yearend and Yearstart  Things to do – smschecklist.doc It is the base of your bible! Student Top Tips

2 What is the CIMS Option for XYZ?  Use SES.900 - it is the absolute BEST Student Top Tips

3 How to sign in as a parent **IMPORTANT not to sign in with their userid and password!  Go into STU.255 – Create your own ID – it will disappear next day!  User: Donna  Password: Donna .. Assign yourself to appropriate student(s) and note the Postal Code …  Ready to Sign in! Student Top Tips

4 Consider TMP tag for reporting and/or temporarily assigning students  Use STU.640 to delete TMP tag – from last use  Use STU.640 or GRD.591 STU.405 to efficiently assign the tag  Send email, run reports …. Then STU.640 to remove TMP Student Top Tips

5 How to check grades based on attendance.. Ie: what are the marks like for all students who have missed more than X days...  Use STU.640 to delete TMP tag  Use ATT.580 to select your students based on attendance. Ask to update TMP tag for those students.  Use GRD.558 and limit to TMP tag – this will provide you with grades and attendance for those selected students. Student Top Tips

6 New download file for GRD.558 – tons of potential  Detail each student, each course/grade with EXTRAS  Donna should create grading pivots from here!!! Student Top Tips

7 Report Cards eFiling timing SUPER IMPORTANT  Use GRE.511 or GRD.511 to eFile ‘Y’  CAREFUL: Use JOB to ensure your job has completed.. If you delete your report cards before it finishes - eFiling will stop dead right at that point!  Use STU.552 to confirm number of rep cards added!  What to do with singles and late updates to re-efile Report Cards.. Use Student Top Tips

8 How to record leaving early  Use ‘T’  Create some reason code(s) to describe how early they left or why Student Top Tips

9 How Does CUM File Option STU.376 Work?  Use it to record requests for and received versus sent to and when for student files.  Use STU.983 to report  What else would you need, why still keeping spreadsheets or logs elsewhere? Student Top Tips

10 CUM FILES - BOARD OFFICE  Schools use STU.376 to record they have sent them to you  Should you scan the contents? OR consider changing your filing - keep it in that box/school/year. … no need to file each one.  If you ever needed to know where to retrieve it - the CIMS STU.376 would tell you. Student Top Tips

11 Where are these students (Scheduled Schools)  Use SCH.571 or SCH.572 (Teachers)  For students WAY WAY faster and better than individual schedules Student Top Tips DATE: 4/16/13 TIME: 13:35 TERM: 2 DAY: 6 PERIOD: 04 BLOCK: D STUDENT# NAME CL HROOM PHONE COURSE SEC TEACHR ROOM ABS 9736666 ABAGON, JESSICA MA F 11 229-9303 9722221 ABAS, REMA E. F 12 GYM 3 334-7654 ENG40S 1 SEMEM RM 16 9724443 ABRAHAM, CAMILLE J F 12 231 633-2912 PED40F 10 LECHC GYM 1 A

12 What documents are onfile and who has seen them  Use IMG301S to view everything eFiled and Log of activity Student Top Tips

13 What addresses have changed from Family# ??? What Parents are updating their own information???  Use STU.190 to see and STU.290 to Report Student Top Tips

14 Statistical Reports for Administrators  ATT.894 - attendance ATT.555 - details  DSP.894 discipline DSP.555 - details  GRD.894 - grading GRD.555 - details  For the ‘555’ options - go to the downloading class! Student Top Tips

15 Stop Printing Birthday Lists for Teachers !!!  Great new feature in TeacherConnect that they will see any new birthdays for a whole week before (7 Days). Available on List and on attendance views  …. Is the birthday list necessary anymore??? Student Top Tips

16 Binder Copy of Info - in case of Emergency  Weekly - consider emailing and placing on a stick which could then actually be posted to a secure share also???!  STU.550, STU.551 - Guardian Listing  STU.991 - Medical Listing  STU.570 - Student Schedule Student Top Tips

17 REMINDER: Using From and Thru  Perfect example is to change payment on fees screen for a whole bunch of lines from CSH to CHQ Student Top Tips F on first Line T on last line (Enter) C as operation

18 REMINDER: Using Multi- C’s  You are in an index of all students by name (STU.301) or all student by course (SCH.410) … and you need to review many students … Use ‘C’ Student Top Tips

19 REMINDER: Textbooks.. To assist with Collections  To help with Textbooks - be diligent at sending out outstanding letters and EMAIL - SGH.520 Student Top Tips 1. Email a Letter 2. Update a tag STT which you could look at to know how often and when you have sent a letter.

20 High Schools BC – Handling X Special Courses  Considerations for ‘X’ courses where the description of that course is student specific  As per audit at SD83 – not a great idea to simply use the Alt Min ID for that student … register them into their own course/section to separate it To get the appropriate course description for student  Schedules and Transcript: Use TRA.310 description as input in master schedule, else use regular SCH.310 description Student Thoughts

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