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Hosted by Dr. William J. Frey 100 200 400 300 400 One Laptop Per Child Amish Tech Choice Airplane Cockpits Uchangi Dam 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Dr. William J. Frey

3 100 200 400 300 400 One Laptop Per Child Amish Tech Choice Airplane Cockpits Uchangi Dam 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Buy one and have the other donated to a child in a developing country What is the one laptop per child project?

5 1,2 Criteria that Amish communities use to select technologies. What are resonance with community values, impact on community wellbeing, and aid in determining community identity?

6 1,3 The airplane cockpit case provides a clear demonstration about this characteristic about technology What is the ability of a technology to embody values and embed biases (such as gender bias)?

7 1,4 This stakeholder sought to build a large-scale irrigation program that would flood considerable land including two small villages. Who is the Regional Irrigation Agency, Kohlapur District, India?

8 2,1 “Change education through the development and distribution of low-cost laptops embodying a new learning model.” What is the original vision of the OLPC project?

9 2,2 This set of core community values and beliefs is often not available in written form. What is the Ordnung?

10 2,3 Women are physically and emotionally incapable of flying, and redesigning airplane components would cost too much to be acceptable to commercial airline companies. What were two reasons offered not to redesign airplane cockpits to remove gender bias?

11 2,4 The role played by NGOs (non-government organizations) in the Uchangi Dam case. What is an “Honest Broker” between the Indian government and the residents of Chafawade and Jeur?

12 3,1 The OLPC (XO laptop) operating system and graphical user inter- face. What is Fedora Linux and Sugar?

13 3,2 Under this practice, Amish teenagers are allowed to explore life on the outside. What is the Rumspringa?

14 3,3 Interpretive flexibility, rhetorical closing of interpretive flexibility, and the emergence of the technical “black box” What are the three stages of the “social construction of technology”?

15 3,4 The NGOs, SOPPECOM and BGVS carried out these activities in and near the cities of Chafawade and Jeur What is participatory land mapping to determine land uses and local residents’ values?

16 4,1 These for-profit computer manufacturers have competed fiercely with the XO laptop for market share in developing nations. Who are Acer, Asus, Hewlett- Packard?

17 4,2 The Amish have modified this tool so that they do not have to “hook up” to the power grid of the public utility (electric company). What is a pneumatically powered belt sander?

18 4,3 This system, built around measurements of sitting height, functional arm reach, leg-length, buttock-knee length, and weight was fundamentally biased against women. What is JPATS or Joint Primary Aircraft Training System?

19 4,4 Two different irrigation project plans were drawn up by NGO engineers that minimized negative impacts on surrounding communities. How was the 14-year stalemate between residents of Chafawade and Jeur and the Indian government finally resolved?

20 5,1 XO laptops embody a pedagogical approach that is different from most teachers in developing countries. What is an important reason for lack of teacher buy-in to the use of XO laptops?

21 5,2 These core values are used by the Amish to choose technologies appropriate to their communities. What are humility, equality, simplicity, and community?

22 5,3 This mode of critical thinking was crucial to transitioning from the position that women were incapable of flying planes to the position that planes need redesigning to remove gender bias. What is “questioning basic assumptions?

23 5,4 The STS component which deals with the NGO stakeholder groups SOPPECOM and BGVS What is the stakeholder group component or people/groups/roles?

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